I would like to pick a nice character and just end whole whole game with it. Since I bought this game a few weeks ago I made (few due lack of time) a warlock, 2 monks, a barbarian/frenzied barb, 2 wizards, a sorc, 3 fighter types and a ranger. I also somehow managed to get them all into Neverwinter (and around lvl 6).
I basicly would like some tips and feedback on a charcater I would like to play just for the fun. It's not the best build and also not very original but I think I will like it (finally) in the long run.
The character will be a halfing monk. This monk must at least have 13 strengh because I'm very in love with cleave and greatcleave. (crappy I can't multiclass to frenzied barb for supreme cleave
Also if you have a suggestion about strongheart or lightfoot, multiclass or even have a funny name or idea on what vocal to choose.
The whole idea is to roam around (I prefer alone and dispatch my party; too difficult?) and stand to any enemy and slowly pick them down as he stands mighty tall.
Might people wonder why to choose a halfling monk. Well, simply said because they rock! I love the sight of a little fella kicking tallfolk ass. It's get's even better when they're facing a dragon or any huge creature. Simply hilarious! :laugh:
Thanks in advance for any reply/tip/feedback.
PS: Excuse my french due to:
1) New to the forums
2) Very late here (Netherlands) and after a ong day of work