Heya Galuf,
No PnP? It's the bees knees I tell you! Knees!!

If you lived in Sydney, Australia, I'd invite you to join one of my games. Or ask you to GM myself and some mates, if you were interested. Seriously, PnP games a waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than CRPGs.
NWN is ok, but it is certainly nowhere near as good as the BG series, or even Icewind Dale in my opinion. Combat is duller than watching paint dry, and the actual ROLEplaying within the game is minimal. Some player mods are quite good, but otherwise it just isn't that good. KotOR did combat better.
Hmm, if you were to ask which actual race was more likely to produce a Paladin (i.e./ have Paladins in higher proportions than other races) I'd have to go with Dwarf - for two main reasons. The main alignment for Dwarves is Lawful, and their main two gods (Moradin and Clanggadin) are both Lawful Good. But as I have said, anyone can come up with a Paladin if they try hard enough.
And I'm still agreeing with taltamir in this discussion - boiling Paladins down to their ultimate basic level, they are religous warriors bent on defending their church (and people of that church). It really does come down to the player themselves.
Oh, if you want a Paladinic module for NWN, where the player has to be a Paladin, there is a series of modules written by Rick Burton called Twilight, Midnight and Dawn. If you wander over to NWN Vault at IGN you can download them (and if you read the comments, you'll see me arguing with Rick about the interpretations of Paladins as well).
Cheers mate,