Could anyone out there explain to me the EXACT differences between "Normal" and "AD&D Core Rules" difficulty?
The way I understood it was in Normal mode you get max hp on level up and spells are always successfully scribed - but other than that they are identical.
Now im hearing that when you install the expansion, it says under Normal mode that "monsters only deal 3/4 damage". Is this true?
Anyway, like I said im just looking for the EXACT differences between the two. Any help would be appreciated!
My understanding of the differences between Normal and Core rules is as follows.
Core is AD&D as per its ruleset. Normal follows the same ruleset except under these circumstances; Characters cannot permanently die, all scrolls are 100% successful in scribing and all hit point rolls are maximums.
I haven't heard anything about them changing this with the expansion installed.
Combine what Elvenking and Dan said and you have it. I'm positively sure.
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
3/4 damage? That would make me feel lame and cheating... Are you sure? Can't remember ever having seen that.
[url=""]Baldur's Gate 2 Spells Reference[/url]: Strategy, tips, tricks, bugs, cheese and corrections to the manual.
I believe if you look under the game difficulty setting in the options screen it now does say normal difficulty is 3/4 damage. This was never announced before TOB, but it may have been there all along <shrug>.
As I recall, in Core, you also can't resurrect Elves. However, I may be confusing Core with previous rules iterations.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
I think you're thinking of Icewind Dale, fable. But I have a question: How come you can't resurrect someone that had an "explosive" death with the rod of resurrection or a resurrection spell?
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
Okay. I just thought that Resurrection was supposed to have no restrictions, unlike Raise Dead, which requires an intact body.
Lost Souls: A bereft lover. A masterless familiar. Friends gone their separate ways. Time marches on, and destiny heralds the meeting of comrades old and new. Can they find what they're seeking? Or will the search bring them only more pain?
@Magus: You're correct (at least in PnP )
For "Raise Dead" to work, you need an intact body, and you can't raise Elves;
For "Resurrection", you need just a piece of the body (a few hairs would do), and there is no restriction on the recipient's race.
But that's not how it's implemented in SoA/ToB
TC, Geert
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[url=""]Blades of the Banshee[/url] - [url=""]Nature Wing[/url]
"Vis consuli expers mole ruit sua"
Back to the original question... Can anyone confirm that "Normal" in SoA gives you 3/4 damage?
I'd hate to have to adjust the difficulty every time I level someone or scribe a scroll... I'd hate having a totally unfair advantage even more.
[url=""]Baldur's Gate 2 Spells Reference[/url]: Strategy, tips, tricks, bugs, cheese and corrections to the manual.
I had a good idea to always play with "Core rules"
Noone did mention that about raise dead/resurrect, the main difference between BG/IWD and core AD&D is that in core rules a raise/resurrect not only has a chance to fail (if target fails his Survival shock % roll), BUT also, if it was successful the target LOST 1 CON point,permanently !
I don't understand why BW didn't include this as an option... When playing I try to NOT reload when a NPC dies, I resurrect him, and now it's totally free, there's no penalty associated with dying, not fun...