I've been debating this one for quite some time and I'd thought I'd ask you all about your thoughts about this.
What I'm trying to figure out is whether or not a non-casting, non-monk PC can be viable as a tank in HoF mode ?
From what I've gathered the general consensus seems to be that spellswords of different kinds or clerics with high wisdom scores dipping into monk, are the only viable options for the tank role in HoF, with the monsters having ridiculous BAB's. (AC 72 seems to be a number to strive for)
Is there any possibility that a fighter or fighter/cleric build of some sort could survive the onslaught that is HoF ? By picking up feats like dodge and expertise, wielding a shield etc. Or possibly a fighter4/barbarianX with tons of HP and damage reduction to make up for the lack of AC.
I want a tank who's not reliant on Mirror Images, Blurs, Monk WIS AC bonus and whatnot, that's all
What are your thoughts on the subject ?