Deus Ex: Human Revolution Interview
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GB: On the Praxis Kits, does each one unlock a single Praxis point, or are there variations? Mary: I'm going to take the fifth on this one because I'm not 100 percent sure if I know the correct answer to that. I think it's that a Praxis Kit gives you two points [the one in the demo provided one point]. The way the Praxis points work is that you gain them through exploration or through experience. So as you go through the game, every time you get to a certain level of experience you get a Praxis point. Then when you accumulate the Praxis points, you can use those to upgrade your augmentations, or to buy new augmentations.
But you can also find these Praxis Kits that give you the points right away, rather than having to wait. With the essential amount of money, you could go to a LIMB clinic and buy a lot of Praxis points, and then use those for your augmentation. So that's part of that whole resource management that you want to do... what do you want to do to spend your money on? Do you want to upgrade your augmentations? Do you want to go to weapon dealers and get guns? What do you want to do?
GB: Are you able to buy any augmentations that aren't listed on the character screen at the beginning of the game? Maybe some sort of advanced tech that Jensen couldn't get from Sarif Industries?
Mary: No. All the augmentations are right there.
GB: By the end of the game, will we receive enough Praxis Points to gain access to most of the augmentations and their upgrades?
Mary: I don't think you can I don't believe you can play through the entire game and get them all.
GB: I noticed that when I find weapons for the first time, such as a 10mm Pistol, I can pick it up and add it to my inventory. But from then on, each additional 10mm Pistol I find just adds ammo. Is this just for convenience's sake?
Mary: Yeah. Although I like to and this is my craftiness as a player when I learn where those weapons are, and I knew when I would play in the Detroit area, it'd be like, "Okay, so I know that if I go there I'll find a gun." If you don't have the gun, you get the gun. If you do have the gun, you get the ammo. So I would go and sell the gun that I had, and then I'd go pick it up to get it again. Because I'm crafty, cheat-y that way.
GB: So how many different guns are there in the game?
Mary: I don't know. I should know the exact count, because we had to write all the descriptions for all of them. There's quite a few. There is a whole bunch - both lethal and non-lethal types. I'm not exactly sure of the total count.
GB: Are there unique weapons that you'll only find in hard-to-find locations, as something of a reward for those players who like to explore?
Mary: I think there are a couple of very rare ones that you'll only find in certain locations, yeah.
GB: I also noticed during my play-through that there doesn't appear to be any melee weapons. Are there any melee weapons later in the game? I realize we can perform takedowns, but are all the tangible pick-up weapons designed for ranged combat?
Mary: You mean like swords and batons and things like that?
GB: Yep, or some sort of futuristic brass knuckles or something.
Mary: I'm trying to think of all the weapons in the game. The takedown is the primary form of close combat. Certainly there's a choice you can make about close or far combat, like the choice you were given at the beginning of the game. But even those weapons have a bit of a distance to them. So the stun gun has a small range, as opposed to the sniper that's really far. I don't think there are any weapons like batons or things like that, but I'm not 100 percent sure about that.