Dungeons & Dragons Tactics Interview
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GB: What role does alignment play in Dungeons & Dragons Tactics? What differences would players notice when using a team of good characters as opposed to a team of evil characters? Lawrence: Alignment will very much affect the story, and the path you take will depend on your actions. There is a .ood' path and an .vil' path, and some of your choices, particularly of the side-quests, will affect the outcome.
GB: How linear is the game? Can players break away from the game's main quest and tackle a few side quests whenever they wish?
Lawrence: There are a number of exciting side quests which may affect the course of the story. Players will have some good quests and a few evil temptations offered to them.
GB: Where does the game actually take place? Is it based in any existing Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting?
Lawrence: The game takes place in a special setting created purely for the tactics game. This gave us the most freedom to create a story. The tale begins in a border region ruled over by a fierce clan named the Vinsaxi. The player's story becomes tied up with the fate of the clan and the great forces that move in the shadows behind it.
GB: What sort of environments will we be traveling through during the game? Any favorite areas you can describe for us?
Lawrence: I don't want to give too much away, but you travel through many different environments from grass steppe to dank dungeons, to snowy mountain passes, and even enter otherworldly realms.
GB: How many different monsters will we be up against in Tactics? Can you give us a few examples of the game's more formidable foes?
Lawrence: Again, we can't give too much away, but many of the iconic monsters from D&D make an appearance. Beholders, Mind Flayers, and Dragons are all featured.