Dungeons & Dragons: Dragonshard Interview
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GB: How many spells will players have at their disposal, and will certain spells only be available to certain races? Will such spells be broken up into spell levels, thus requiring players to level their heroes before they become available? Ed: We're not sure how many spells will be available yet since we keep creating more to add, but they will definitely be limited according to race, and they willl be broken up into levels so that the player has to level his spellcasters in order to get them.
GB: How exactly will magic items work in the game, and will they be usable by heroes only? Will such characters only be able to carry a certain number of items, or will it be dependent on the character's strength? Can you provide a couple examples of magic items players might find?
Ed: Magic items will take two forms, global and individual. Individual items will be usable by any Captain or Champion and will be added to their power list for use when the player wishes. Global items will have their own place on the interface and will be usable at any time by the player. Right now there is no limit on the items, but there will be by the release, we're just not sure what that is yet, and right now we can't reveal the magic items yet, but many will be right out of the DM guide.
GB: Will we be seeing any types of feats or skills in the game, and, if so, will the player have the choice of which abilities his characters will receive when they level up?
Ed: Yes and Yes. :)
GB: We've read that there will be highly coveted areas called "Places of Power", totems that grant continual bonuses, and glyphs that provide one-time bonuses. Tell us a bit about these different objects and how they'll come into play on a map. Can you provide some examples of each and what effects they'll have?
Ed: PoP's and incredibly important strategically. Imagine a totem that is fixed to a location in the underground that grants all your units a +2 to attack as long as you control it. That's incredibly significant to the outcome of the game so now those players are goind to fight over who controls it. What this really means is that we're giving the player more targets of strategic importance across the map; more things on the map to fight over and that creates a more fulfilling game experience.
GB: Will there be a different single player campaign for each of the four races? Also, how many different maps (aside from the single player ones) are you planning to include with the game for multiplayer gaming? Anything else you can tell us about multiplayer?
Ed: Each of the campaigns will be very different and presented uniquely from the side of the race being played. We don't have a final count on the maps since we're planning on building as many as we possibly can, for our fans.
We'd like to issue our thanks to everyone at Liquid Entertainment and Atari, especially Ed and Brandon, for taking the time to answer our questions!