Freedom Force vs. The 3rd Reich Interview
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GB: What enhancements have you made to the AI in FFVSTR? Can you provide some examples of how a player's teammates will react on their own? Ken: One thing that we constantly heard in feedback from the original, was that there was a little too much micro-management. The moment you left a teammate, they were vulnerable. We wanted to fix this by having them react. This gave us a whole new avenue for us to explore the characters. For example, El Diablo is more likely to chase after a foe and may cause collateral damage.
GB: Tell us a bit about how multiplayer and skirmishes will work in FF vs. the Third Reich, and what enhancements you've made over the original title.
Ken: More enhancements than you can shake Minuteman's cane at. We're talking new modes, completely revamped interface, tons of new features the list goes on and on. More to come on this very soon.
GB: Can you provide a few examples of the new super powers in the game and some specifics on what they do?
Ken: One new power is Green Genie's (Object Lesson.) Using this will turn your foe into a blunt object that you can then pick up and toss across the level or at another enemy.
GB: What does the future hold for the Freedom Force franchise? Where would you like to see the series go within the next several years?
Ken: There are so many different directions we want to take FF. I don't want to lead fans down the wrong path though, so I'll just keep my trap shut. We've hinted in the past only to take the game in a completely different direction.
GB: Lastly, if you had to pick a few particular comic book issues that have influenced Freedom Force, or the desire to make a superhero game in general, which would they be?
Ken: The early Marvel stuff was a huge influence. I also borrow a lot of plotting paradigms from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer writing staff (shameless fan boy here). Comic book plots are very particular- they are soap operas with the volume set to eleven. Most comic book games forget that. Freedom Force never will.
We appreciate your time, Ken.