Two Worlds Interview
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GB: Will Two Worlds offer the ability for players to assume a "good" or "evil" role throughout the game and will the player's choices ultimately affect the game's ending? James: The choices a player makes will affect the ending, but it will also affect the world they're playing in. We have a reputation system that keeps track of your standing with many different groups. Doing deeds for the merchant guild, for example, will raise your reputation with them, but could lower your rep with their enemies. In this way, many quests and areas could open up or be off limits depending on your standing with various groups.
GB: What differences are there between the single player and multiplayer versions of the game? Can a group of friends start the game from the beginning and play through the entire single player campaign cooperatively?
James: Though you play in the same world in both the single-player and the online versions of the game, the quests you'll take part in between the two are completely different. In all honesty, if you played the single-player campaign with eight people, it would be ridiculously easy. We've designed the multiplayer quests to challenge larger groups.
GB: In February, you announced that the PC version of Two Worlds would support thousands of players online at once. Can you elaborate on this a bit more? Will all of these players be adventuring in the same game world and will their characters be stored on hosted servers?
James: The PC version of the Two Worlds online game will be in persistent worlds where players can log on and off as they please. Players can form parties of up to eight people to take on quests, but there can be thousands of players in the world at one time.
GB: Are there any plans to offer downloadable content for Two Worlds, either through Xbox Live or via some type of plug-in or module for the PC? If so, what sort of content have you considered adding at a later date?
James: Absolutely, but what we're planning has to remain a secret. for now.
Thanks James!