The Temple of Elemental Evil v5.8.0 Modpack Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 17773
The Circle of Eight is pleased to present the latest versions of our modpack for The Temple of Elemental Evil - Circle of Eight Modpacks 5.8.0 BETA and 5.8.0 NC BETA.And here are the full notes, in case you're new to the modpack:
Circle of Eight Modpack 5.8.0 BETA fixes some additional bugs since 5.7.2, such as the 'blue circle of death' bug where NPCs would run off when ordered to leave the party but would not disband, resulting in their empty blue character circles remaining in the party.
Circle of Eight Modpack 5.8.0 NC BETA re-introduces custom Co8 content of the major expansion variety. Both Hickory Branch and the Moathouse Respawn have been re-mastered for the current modpack, and the as-yet unseen Welkwood Bog has been added to the mix. In order to access the expansions, simply speak to Brother Smyth in Hommlet and ask him for "something different."
Both modpacks are identical, save for the major new content expansions included in the NC version. Fans of custom content will likely want to choose the new content (5.8.0 NC BETA) release, while purists might prefer the standard (5.8.0 BETA) release.
We sincerely hope that you enjoy these versions of the Circle of Eight modpack.
- The Circle of Eight team
B. CO8 5.8.0
- Fixed bug in Brother Smyth's dialog that prevented some alignment's from getting the giant's head quest.
- Fixed blue circles of death (NPC leaves party but does not disband) for Sargen, Jaer, and Zaxis.
- Moved Mona, Serena, and gay Betram to new locations in Nulb.
- Updated grammar in diety.mes.
- Fixed code problems in Brother Smyth's dialog file.
- Altered Riana's disband dialog so she doesn't offer to join again.
- Added scholar's kit to Burne and Pishella's inventory.
- Fixed blasphemy spell so that it works on neutral characters.
- Fixed scythe long description.
- Fixed Ah Fong's inventory respawn bug.
- Fixed quest code errors in Black Jay's dialog that allowed asking about wife's ring from the onset.
- Refixed greater weapon focus/specialization text levelup bug again.
- Stopped Troika credit movie from playing during intra-town world map travel.
B. CO8 5.7.0 and revisions
- Less Humble NPCs implemented for Elmo, Zert, Kobort, Ronald, Otis, Thrommel, and Zaxis. This will make them refuse to give up some of their equipment - the stuff that makes sense.
- Reduced experience point percentage modifier to 60% to compensate for increased level gain due to protos overhaul and related modifications.
- Overhauled Ivy's dialog file.
- Overhauled spell control files.
- Fixed Enlarge spell lingering oversized weapon bug.
- Tweaked Ronald's reactions.
- Overhauled cabinetmaker's dialog.
- Restored original Jayfie dialog and Agent Revealed Quest.
- Restored original Corl dialog and Black Jay's Dead Sheep quest.
- Fixed Hezrou Stench.
- Fixed Greater Weapon Focus/Specialization feat bug.
- Fixed Shopmap crash bug.
- Fixed charging crossbowmen bug in many instances.
- Fixed dagger-switching bug in many instances.
- Fixed unarmed Moathouse bugbears bug.
- Restored Temple level 2 jump point from circular shaft to original location.
- Fixed unalaigned zombies in Temple level 1 bug.
- Fixed cabinetmaker's nighttime standpoint.
- Fixed Tolub brawl bug.
- Fixed masterwork inventory respawn bugs for Brother Smyth, Armario, and Bing.
- Fixed Emridy Meadows scenery-related giant and projectile bugs by removing the added scenery objects.
- Made Furnok's Ring of Invisibility identified.
- Fixed broken Alrrem dialog.
- Removed all NPC dialog flags from Hommletians.
- Restored Mona's dialog to previous condition.
- Fixed labor camp passage of time crash bug.
- Removed some lights and animations from Hommlet exterior map to reduce system demands and possibly reduce chances of jerkstop.
- Restored Corl's vanilla standpoints.
- Reactivated hemlock in Black Jay's field.
- Removed Tales of the Wild Coast teasers from Nulb and Welkwood Bog.
- Restored original teamster dialog.
- Removed modded Corl info from badger dialog.
- Removed modded Corl-related rumor.
- Removed TotWC-related Wat dialog.
- Fixed Mickey faction bug in Waterside Hostel in Nulb.
- Disabled the Woodcutter's rewards.
- Tweaked Sniper AI.
- Fixed Default AI for using 5 foot step.
- Fixed merchant prisoners on temple levels 1 & 2.
- Fixed Delayed Blast Fireball duration.
- Tweaked Smigmal/Falrinth encounter(s).
- Fixed Moathouse stirge bug.
- Fixed Burne dialog and audio bugs.
- Reverted Greater Weapon Focus/Specialization feat bug fix.
- Fixed Bing healing dialog bug.
- Removed extra portraits from BG portrait pack.
- Fixed Burne dialog errors that allowed him to give you the location of Nulb before you cleared the Moathouse.
- Fixed Jakk Borton's lack of acknowledgement of Bing's healing.
- Reverted Burne's join conditions to not include Zuggtmoy story state.
- Put wayward troll in correct location on Temple level 3.
C. CO8 5.6.0
- Optimized all game maps by including all game-related files in module (full override of all sector, sector visibility blocking, clipping, fog, pathnode, global lighting, gmesh, hsd, and mobile object files) and sector-sorting and re-saving all maps in toto. This is the new model for all future releases. This will hopefully correct the fatal memory sector leak bug in and around Hommlet and Nulb that arose with CO8 5.5.0 and crippled game performance.
- Disabled Hickory Branch, Verbobonc, the Moathouse Respawn, and the Orc Cave prequel in preparation for Tales of the Wild Coast release.
- Reduced treasure in many instances and removed overpowered items.
- Added graphical and audio enhancements to Emridy Meadows maps.
- Added some scenery objects to Nulb maps.
- Updated Welkwood Bog maps graphics.
- Updated Hickory Branch map graphics.
- Updated slaughtered caravan map graphics.
- Updated shop map graphics.
- Replaced washed-out version of Nulb night map.
- Completely rewrote Jayfie character and overhauled Agent Revealed quest.
- Overhauled Black Jay's Dead Sheep quest.
- Fixed Jayfie/Labor Camp/Agent Revealed quest bug.
- Fixed incorrect worlmap travel bug when learning of Welkwood Bog from Captain Renton.
- Fixed bug where gnoll leader in Hickory Branch had Moathouse gnoll dialog.
- Fixed bug where party members could get stuck in wall in Hickory Branch crypt.
- Fixed stackable items CTD bug most often seen in the shop map.
- Fixed Ariel's bartering in Verbobonc.
- Fixed bug with travel via dialog with Lareth to Temple locations.
- Fixed bug where Paida acted like she was in Hommlet if an NPC cast Dispel Magic on her.
- Fixed bug that caused Paida and Murraya to go hostile if NPCs entered their chambers.
- Fixed Hextor cleric in Verbobonc's dialog.
- Fixed bug where broken tower exterior map was still worldmap accessible and had wrong worldmap paths.
- Fixed stackable items bug with kobolds at Hickory Branch.
- Fixed bug where you couldn't confront traders with the assassin's note.
- Fixed assassin leader's dialog in Verbobonc.
- Fixed Meleny's day/night standpoints.
- Fixed bug where Prince Thrommel would not reliably go away when dismissed from the party.
- Fixed Brother Smyth masterwork items barter bug.
- Fixed bug where area description boxes would sometimes act as invisible NPCs and display floatlines during combat.
- Fixed bug where standard longbow was not set up for farshot.
- Fixed Robes of Midnight description to match stats.
- Fixed bug where Senshock would not always flee during combat.
- Fixed bug where Nybble wouldn't unlock the drow tunnel door in Verbobonc.
- Fixed bug where Air Temple troops northwest of Kelno would go hostile regardless of your allegiance.
- Fixed Serena and Riana's standpoints so that they don't return to the Snakepit after leaving your party.
- Fixed bug where True Seeing and Dispel Magic had no effect on Prince Thrommel.
- Fixed bug where Elmo would speak and display floatlines when dead.
- Fixed bug where Alrrem and Ashrem would not acknowledge each other.
- Fixed bug where Taki and Ashrem would not acknowledge each other.
- Fixed bug where players couldn't pursue Romag quests per Wat and Rentsch as well as Triple Cross quest.
- Updated map limits on many maps to accomodate wide screen monitors.
- Adjusted numerous NPC inventories to reflect their portrait appearances.
- Adjusted and redistributed soundtrack assignments once again.
- Retouched several Co8-added monster portraits.
- Updated rumors.
- Updated area descriptions.
- Updated Black Jay's ring recovery locations.
- Added some factions.
- Added ambient daylight effects to some outdoor maps.
- Added some AI strategies.
- Augmented voice audio for Meleny, Fruella, Serena, Smigmal Redhand, Senshock, Kella, Serena, Pishella, and Kent. (Not new recordings)
- Updated game area descriptions.
- Revised long descriptions for items so they are easier to read.
- Removed Lareth-related drow quests.
- Removed drow and kobold encounters in Deklo Grove.
- Removed previous Welkwood Bog soundtrack.
- Removed the substandard Ronald's dad, Kella as hill giant, and Falrinth voicesets.
- Removed various substandard custom sound effects.
- Redid timed rewards for Sargen, Thrommel, and Tillahi so they will be more reliable.
- Redid masterwork inventory respawns for Brother Smyth, Bing, and the cabinet maker.
- Overhauled Smigmal Redhand and Falrinth scenarios on temple level 3. Be warned - these are significantly more difficult now!
- Expanded dialog for the Nulb whores.
- Updated various dialog files in minor ways.
- Fixed bug where Burne would give you the location of Nulb before you cleared the Moathouse.
- Eliminated some cases of dialog loop redundancy for Hommlet NPCs.
- Made Valden stay at home at night after Paida's return.
- Turned generic peasant laborer dialog into laborer foreman dialog and silenced laborers.
- Expanded dialog for Wat in Nulb.
- Moved Mona into a shop of her own after you solve her financial woes.
- Redid all generic villager mobiles in Hommlet and their waypoints and day/night standpoints and eliminated spawns.
- Moved Mickey into the Waterside Hostel during his nights in Nulb.
- .mobbed in Mary's farm animals and eliminated spawns.
- .mobbed in Alrrems's treasure chest and eliminated spawn.
- Replaced shadows with black bears in random encounters.
- Fixed bug where Acid Splash did cold damage on criticals.
- Made Ronald leave party if you attack Terjon and Calmert.
D. CO8 5.5.0
- NPCs using potions now provoke attacks of opportunity.
- Fixed druid spontaneous summoning for spell levels 6-9.
- Fixed cleric spontaneous summoning for spell levels 6-9.
- Brought > level 10 rogue feat-taking to RAW.
- Fixed crash when accessing the party pool ingame (logs in inns) with a party with more PCs than 5.
- Fixed not getting bonus spells for enhancement items like headband of intellect.
- Fixed all spells cast counting towards cast spells of sorcerors/bards.
- Fixed level 3 and 4 spells of the class spell lists of rangers and paladins not being added to known spells.
- Rangers can now take new favored enemies at levels 15 and 20.
- Fixed no break free attempt for AI controlled NPCs on entanglement.
- Increased the range of random encounter maps by 1, so that the caravan encounter can be correctly handled as a random encounter.
- Fixed damage type of icy burst and shocking burst.
- Crafting spell resistance on armors now actually produces armors that provide spell resistance 13.
- Fixed bug that prevented the application of fear save bonuses, e.g. those provided by Bless, Aid, Inspire Courage or Halfling racial bonus.
- Fixed the non-proficient penalty suffered when using the waraxe two-handed with Martial Weapons All proficiency but without the EWP.
- Fixed medium armor proficiency providing heavy armor proficiency as well.
- Fixed the Inspire Courage bardic music ability. Bonuses provided now scale correctly with bard level.
- Fixed the immunity of dwarves to entangle and web effects.
- Fixed moving at 5 speed when overburdened and entangled/webbed for all critters.
- Added calls to functions load and save in module _co8init to the internal save and load routines. This allows the use of the Co8PersistentData class as a scripting sided Co8-savegame.
- Fixed that the portrait UI at character creation only displayed a part of the potraits listed in portraits.mes.
- Reputation #19 now causes paladins to become fallen paladins.
- The spell Discern Lies now provides a +30 bonus on sense motive checks.
- Brought spell Righteous Might to RAW. Bonuses to STR and CON are lowered to 4 and 2, respectively. Bonus type of AC is changed so that it no longer stacks with amulets of natural armor. DR was changed from 5 fixed to scaling per caster level.
- Added the possibility to add up to 6 new travel locations to the game (but without clickable icons on the map; you can access them over the known locations list on the worldmap screen).
- Fixed the misalignment of buttons in the worldmap GUI when using non-standard resolutions.
- Fixed traps so that they don't re-arm and only go off once.
- Fixed errors in various dialogue files.
- Fixed typos in various .mes and .py files.
- Fixed problem with Livonya's revenge encounter occurring too early for low level parties.
- Fixed the earlier multiple juggernauts fix.
- Added timed destroy treatment to sad and heroic merchants' run-off scripts.
- Fixed Burne, Raimol, Zert, Otis, Tuelk, and Wicked's voice files so they won't give bad information regarding the (modded) orc/ogre cave.
- Changed it so that Lubash, the gnoll leader from the Moathouse, and the tower sentinel seek out the party leader to talk to by first choice, then any other party member. If they talk to any other party member, the player can choose to bring the party leader forward to speak if he/she is within 40 feet of the selected party member.
- Added evil assassination quests to the logbook.
- Fixed merchant inventories for Burne, the Hommlet tailor, the Hommlet leatherworker, Bing, the Hommlet cabinetmaker, Skole, Ah Fong, and the owner of the Bazaar of the Bizarre in Verbobonc so that their inventories refresh.
- Changed dilaogue and added new dialogue for the cabinetmaker.
- Brother Smyth's inventory will now refesh 24 hours after you complete the 'Masterwork Weapons' quest, and his MW weapons will thus become available to you at that time.
- Terjon will now grant atonement to paladins over level 10.
- Made change to Inflict Light Wounds, Mass.
- Changed the cutlass (also rusty and masterwork versions) to be considered a short sword. Altered Bertram's feats accordingly.
- Fixed problem with stacked jewelry being reduced to quanity of 1 after being put into extraplanar chest.
- Changed appearance of kobold sergeant.
- Dispel Magic and Dispel Magic, Greater now use abjuration casting particles (were using evocation).
- Phantasmal Killer now uses illusion casting particles (was using necromancy).
- Silence spell now allows save to negate if cast directly on a creature.
- Warp Wood (new spell) now correctly checks the actual size of an object when counting against the spell's power. Also allows you to unwarp a warped melee weapon if you target the item while it is on the ground. No longer affects shields.
- Web now uses conjuration casting particles (was using enchantment).
- Weird now uses illusion casting particles (was using necromancy).
- Numerous typo corrections in spell names and descriptions.
- Implemented the monk class ability Abundant Step.
- Fixed monk unarmed damage at level 20.
- Added descriptions for monk class feats & abilities.
- Re-worked Hezrou Stench.
- Updated in-game help to reflect the higher level spells which are now availible.
- Fixed poison saving throw bonuses on traps.
- Fixed the minotaur statue on level 2 of the temple so that it pre-buffs with stoneskin.
- Assigned spell sounds to many new spells.
- Fixed scrolls that were uncopyable.
- Fixed bug where combat initiated immediately upon entering the Water Temple.
- Made Verbobonc and Hickory Branch accessible via the world map (includes world map paths).
- Reworked avoidability of random encounters to depend on randomly rolled Listen, Spot, and Survival checks for both the party and the enemies.
- Fixed the AI routine for the Drow fighters in Verbobonc who stood around.
- Charm spells will now recognise charm morale bonuses on the saving throw.
- The Guardian Hezrou will now always choose to summon another Hezrou.
- The Hezrou stench will no longer affect elementals, mainly for the benefit of the water elemental buddies the guardian has.
- Fixed typo that caused Choas Hammer sound not to fire.
- Corrected typo in black studded leather (new armor) file name that was causing CTDs when consoled in.
- Fixed typos in the game quest log.
- Fixed issue of there being no feats are available for improving attack, damage, and crit range with the kukri.
- Activated repeating crossbows in the game and added the necessary EWP feats.
- Wonnilon's crossbow and Iolo's Joy were converted to repeating crossbows.
- The file was altered so anyone starting with repeater or kukri feats will get one when entering the game, as with other EWPs and MWPs.
- Jinnerth the tailor has had his dialog altered so that he will now reward the party with a masterwork repeater if they do his 'militia' quest (and don't stick him with the bill for uniforms for everyone).
- The goblins in the weavers loft have been totally converted to halflings (except the models).
- Lila's .dlg file should now display within the requisite box.
- Added combat voices to zombies.
- Added masterwork sling to Bing's inventory upon respawn, and reduced the chances of everything spawning to 80% as per the norm.
- Stopped Alrrem contradicting the existence of the Cave Lair as used by the orcs.
- Fixed some area effect spell sounds playing at extremely high volume.
- Reactivated the following feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Hand Crossbow); Greater Weapon Focus (Light Flail); Greater Weapon Focus (Trident); Greater Weapon Focus (Halberd); Improved Critical (Light Flail); Improved Critical (Trident); Improved Critical (Halberd); Improved Shield Bash; Martial Weapon Proficiency (Light Flail); Martial Weapon Proficiency (Trident); Martial Weapon Proficiency (Halberd); Weapon Focus (Light Flail); Weapon Focus (Trident); Weapon Focus (Halberd); Weapon Specialization (Light Flail); Weapon Specialization (Trident); Weapon Specialization (Halberd); Greater Weapon Focus (Spiked Gauntlet); Improved Critical (Spiked Gauntlet); Weapon Focus (Spiked Gauntlet); Weapon Specialization (Spiked Gauntlet); Weapon Focus (Hand Crossbow); Weapon Specialization (Hand Crossbow); Improved Critical (Hand Crossbow); Greater Weapon Focus (Hand Crossbow); Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Orc Double Axe); Greater Weapon Focus (Orc Double Axe); Improved Critical (Orc Double Axe); Weapon Focus (Orc Double Axe); Weapon Specialization (Orc Double Axe).
- Made the necessary changes in so that the flail, halberd and trident now respond according to their proper weapon type.
- Changed repeating hand crossbow to straight hand crossbow.
- Replaced models and icons for some pre-existing and new weapons.
- Fixed the problem of not being able to turn in Sammy to Otis after he offers to give up Otis' stash.
- Made rooms available from the Welcome Wench at the outset without having to get involved in Furnok's cheating if you don't want to.
- Re-sorted sectors for every secret-door related map in the game where they differed from original stock sector files.
- Restored Murraya's dialogue.
- Fixed the trap on Jaroo's chest so that it actually fires and gives the correct XP for setting it off.
- Made it so that familiars will be removed from your party if they die and are still dead after 24 hours have passed.
- Fixed the masterwork repeating crossbow obtainable in Hommlet so it functions properly.
- Made reliable long interval time events through a new method for the woodcutter, Tillahi, Thrommel, and Sargen's scripts.
- Added NPC factions for black dragons.
- Corrected black dragon whelp AI strategy (was showing red dragon).
- Fixed bugs found in long_description.mes.
- Added new descriptions to long_description.mes.
- Fixed stats for leather scale armor.
- Activated dormant feats for the kama and siangham.
- Fixed typo that prevented frogs from croaking on the Moathouse exterior map.
- Fixed the Moathouse ambush encounter so that it won't trigger if Lareth is in the party.
- Made the (modded) Drow note delivery scenario from the Deklo grove into a proper quest for evil parties.
- Fixed an error in Lareth's dialogue to make the drow note quest complete properly.
- Changed Ray of Clumsiness from Necromancy to Transmutation.
- Fixed Chill Metal spell.
- Fixed erroneous description and long description for jian.
- Added long description entries for Cujo's new weapons.
- Fixed graphical artifacts when dropping shell armor and other items.
- Made trident one-handed.
- Gave all undead a 1 intelligence score to avoid paralysis when resting.
- Enabled new weapons feats.
- Fixed Verbobonc grammar errors.
- Repriced flametongue, frostbrand, and wand of identify.
- Made Greater Magic Fang a 3rd level ranger spell.
- Fixed some missing entries in meshes.mes.
- Modified dialogue options to get past electrical trap on temple level 4 and added additional methods.
- Spellchecked all dialogue files in Co8 5.0.0.
- Fixed a global varaible for Terjon.
- Modified Lareth's sergeant and lieutenant to allow potential for non-violent resolutions.
- Added a timer for Bing.
- Retextured lamellar armor.
- Fixed weapon description for halberd.
- Fixed samurai armor bug.
- Fixed dialogue error for innkeeper's wife.
- Removed the zombie signpost from Nulb and added a regular signpost.
- Fixed Tolub's 'Eye of the Tiger' script for when he thinks you're cheating.
- Added options to Skole/Lodriss dialogue so she doesn't attck you if you save her.
- Fixed Zaxis so anyone can talk to him about his sister.
- Exapanded the Moathouse combat music so that it ends and loops properly.
- Fixed Terjon's ability to cast Neutralize Poison.
- Retooled text for Hommlet and Nulb signposts.
- Fixed some Terjon and Calmert voice audio errors.
- Fixed some Gremag dialogue errors where he always acted like he'd never met you before.
- Fixed some Rannos Davl dialogue errors.
- Expanded interaction with Kenter Nevets.
- Fixed description for Black Jay's ring.
- Toned dwon Turuko's Moathouse Ambush rhetoric.
- Changed Bestow Curse from transmutation to necromancy.
- Fixed Spugnoir's combat dialogue.
- Fixed Ostler Gundigoot's dialogue so you can use your free room immediately.
- Fixed Otis so he is not antagonistic toward neutral parties.
- Fixed the bug with Falrinth and the elemental power gems.
- Fixed various inconsistencies with the Feldrin and Brunk encounter.
- Overhauled ToEE's background musical structure so that previously unheard music is used, music is deployed more evenly across the game for all areas, and area ambience is appropriate.
- Made all the elemental chief clerics in the temple knowledgeable about the fates of the others.
- Fixed Romag's kill-the-snake-quest.
- Overhauled the Hommlet aspect of the Rannos and Gremag revenge scenario.
- Enabled pursuing the courier, labor camp spy, and assassin plotlines concurrently.
- Fixed the bug where Rannos and Gremag didn't properly flee Hommlet when confronted.
- Streamlined Burne, Rannos, and Gremag's dialogue files.
- Fixed passage of time issues with Burne and the orb.
- Tuned up the Rannos and Gremag courier dialogue tree.
- Fixed the signpost portrait in Nulb and changed a teleport coordinate.
- Changed the 3rd level spell Suggestion to Dominate Monster. It was overpowered.
- Fixed an error in Calmert's dialogue.
- Fixed an error in Terjon's dialogue.
- Fixed an error in the peasant laborer dialogue.
- Fixed errors in Belsornig's dialogue.
- Fixed an error in Mona's dialogue.
- Added the Zuggtomy story hook to Whitman's dialogue for players that set him free.
- Fixed an error with Burne not bartering.
- Fixed Nalorrem being mute.
- Made Wonnilon's hideout area safe for resting.
- Cleaned up leatherworker's family tree dialogue.
- Restored the big hair for females.
- Fixed an error where the normal breastplate was not displayed properly for humans.
- Fixed some errors in PC to NPC generic dialogue.
- Fixed errors in Thrommel's reward-knight's dialogue.
- Fixed a .dll bug with Windows 98 and added weapon proficiencies for the new monk weapons. Also added farshot feat and removed various non-functioning feats.
- Added and fixed stats for ranged weapons.
- Made all drow armors masterwork.
- Added masterwork monk weapons.
- Fixed Murfles' death throws.
- Fixed Moathouse Ambush scenario to occur at any of 3 different locations, finalized conditions, and made it so you can't leave the Moathouse after killing Lareth, come back, and still get ambushed.
- Fixed the skeleton key issue that sometimes rendered the electricity trap on temple level 4 unsolvable and allowed you to open every chest in the game.
- Set Ah Fong's inventory to respawn properly after 24 hours and adds the new monk weapons and masterwork versions to his stock.
- Fixed incorrectly modeled monk weapons.
- Tweaked Belsornig and his minions' AI and spell selection.
- Fixed Merrolan and Nalorrem's number of spells.
- Fixed various long descriptions.
- Overhauled the ToEE world map.
- Updated save game area descriptions.
- Standardized colors across the schools of magic for scrolls, potions, and wands.
- Updated the ground art for the Gnarley Woods map.
- Fixed some errors with world map locations.
- Fixed some conflicts with the drow in Gnarley Woods.
- Added missing feats for Wonnilon.
- Updated various proto stats and descriptions and long descriptions.
- Removed the option to level up NPCs like PCs. (This is still available as an optional add-on.)
- Removed access to the tutorial to allow proper function of the new area descriptions. The tutorial is still accessible in the unmodded game.
- Fixed a map limits issue with the Lawful Good vignette map that caused screen shudder in widescreen monitors.
- Updated portraits for many NPCs in the game and made certain that none are doubled.
- Updated clothing and armor for many NPCs in the game so that they match their portraits.
- Overhauled dialogues for Brother Smyth, Captain Renton, the woodcutter, and Kent.
- Edited down some of Kent's voice audio.
- Fixed an error in Thrommel's dialogue that prevented him from leaving the party on the proper maps.
E. CO8 5.0.0
- Kalshane's proto fixes: corects file to conform (as best possible given the limitations of the game engine) to the 3.5e D&D ruleset. This is a sweeping change, encompassing almost every creature in the game.
- Reworked/fixed spells: Animal Growth, Bear's Endurance, Break Enchantment, Control Plants, Cure Moderate Wounds, Cure Serious Wounds, Death Ward, Discern Lies, Disintegrate, Dispel Chaos, Dispel Evil, Dispel Magic, Finger of Death, Freedom of Movement, Greater Magic Fang, Greater Magic Weapon, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Holy Sword, Magic Circle against Chaos, Magic Circle against Evil, Neutralize Poison, Prayer, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Repel Vermin, Restoration, Summon Nature's Ally III, Summon Nature's Ally IV, Tree Shape, Quench, Heal.
- Assigned spell sounds to many silent spells.
- Paida will no longer return to the Temple after you rescue her.
- Burne and Otis now will have their original shop inventories again after you have removed them from the party instead of just selling things out of their personal inventory. You will have to wait until they get back to their original position before they will barter.
- Random encounters have been tweaked. Expect them to get even tougher the higher level you are.
- The summoned creature limit has been increased from 5 to 10.
- Hedrack/Iuz/Cuthbert/High Priest/Senshock fix: this should fix the dialog issues with that battle and the problem of Iuz reanimating fallen party members as zombies. It should also fix the problem of Hedrack not recognizing the correct high priest who took you to meet him. The problem with combat initiating before dialog starts has been fixed, and now all dialogs should function as intended. This fix also fixes combat starting immediately upon entering Senshock's chamber.
- NPCs will no longer go hostile when removed from the party because of accidental friendly fire or helpful spells cast upon them while in the party.
- Vrock Spores and Hezrou Stench have been reworked.
- Various faction fixes have been implemented so that enemies get along with each other now and fight the party rather than each other.
- Fixed the problem of not being able to give directions to Countess Tillahi when you should be able to.
- Removed the goblin from Hommlet and placed Black Jay's ring elsewhere, depending on the party alignment.
- Masterwork items are now available in Brother Smyth's shop screen, rather than through dialog. Masterwork leather items have been moved to Jak Borton's shop, and are available after you heal Bing.
- Characters will no longer lose XP when Jaroo removes spell permanency.
- Fixed many typos and grammatical errors in dialogue files, and matched dialog text with voice files.
- Made Pishella (Burne's assistant) a recruitable NPC.
F. CO8 4.0.0 and revisions
- Drifter's Humble NPCs Mod (optional): allows for complete player control of NPC inventories.
- Drifter's Max Hitpoint Patch (optional): offers options to always get max hit points at levelup, have critters get max hit points, and show hit points for NPCs.
- dulcaoin's PC Count Patcher: a nifty utility that allows you to play with up to eight PCs.
- Fixed the SP2/DirectX9c issues with looting that Official Patch 3 was supposed to fix, without the added bugs.
- Level dependent spell maximums installed.
- Fast Movement should scale up to level 20 for monks, and Monk and Barbarian Fast Movements should stack.
- The memorization list had those nifty meta-magic colored ball thingies so you can tell if you really maximized that fireball or not. Won't show up on your spell casting radial menu though.
- Resurrecting level one characters with constitution boosts should now correctly subtract two constitution points.
- Skill Focus feats now display correctly.
- Widen Spell now boosts spell level by three instead of one.
- Spell DCs are now correctly calculated - using a higher level slot will no longer boost the DC of the spell, normally. If Heighten Spell is used, the level of the slot will be used, then any non-Heighten Spell meta-magic feats will be deleted, and the remaining spell level will be used.
- Replacing a higher level spell slot that has been used to hold a lower level spell with a spell of the correct level no longer requires closing and reopening the spell memorization interface.
- Sorcerers and Bards can now use higher level spell slots to cast lower level spells.
- The ntdll.dll bug was sort of bashed out of existence.
- Bardic spells may no longer use the silent spell feat.
- Metamagic feats should now be stackable (except Still Spell, Silent Spell, Maximize Spell and Quicken Spell).
- Widen Spell should now work.
- Extend Spell should now work correctly.
- Craft Staff and Forge Ring feats now working.
- Grank's bandits in the Water Node should no longer cause a CTD.
- Potion of Super Heroism should now work.
- Craft Magical Arms and Armor now correctly sets the xp cost for crafting an already magical weapon.
- Craft Magical Arms and Armor now correctly recognizes magical shields as valid targets. For some odd reason, 'Shield Enhancement Bonus' wasn't a valid type of effect for CMA&A before.
- Chain Lightning, True Seeing, and whatever the other sixth level spell is are now correctly indicated as being sixth level spells during the add spells dialouge when leveling up.
- Sorcerer's (and probably Bard's) spell selection screens should no longer be screwy looking when gaining level 6+ spells.
- Can now actually use level 6+ spell slots for the correct level when choosing spells on level up.
- Level 6+ spells should now show up on the radial menu.
- Paladin Smite Evil should now be usable the appropriate number of times per day at levels ten and higher.
- Paladin Remove Disease should now be usable the appropriate number of times per week at levels 10+.
- Nature Sense should now actually work.
- Spells memorized using the specialist spell slots should now stay there.
- Longspear has been added to the list of simple weapons, and removed from the list of martial weapons. The MWP (longspear) feat has been disabled. Also added longspear to SWP (rogue) and SWP (bard).
- Fixed Greater Spell Focus. GSF and SF were using the same function.
- Spells memorized using specialist slots should now be correctly debited.
- A character with multiple Spell Focus or Greater Spell Focus feats should now have the correct +DCs.
- Modified Spiritual Weapon so that it's BAB is equivalent to the caster's BAB.
- Fixed bug with calculating hit point bonuses from constitution (incorrectly read value of hit die).
- Fixed 22+ wands that weren't working properly.
- Wand of Command will now always issue Command: Fall.
- Wand of Remove Blindness/Deafness will now always remove deafness.
- Wand of Lesser Restoration now cures a random ability.
- Wand of Restoration now cures a random ability.
- Straightened Scather.
- Straightened Fragarach.
- Fixed multiple spells that had errors in their scripts.
- Spiritual Weapon now has hit points (25 + 6 x spell caster level). When the weapon is destroyed it will stop fighting. Spiritual Weapon is still immune to magic attacks. (Spiritual Weapon was a broken spell because NPCs would attack it in melee combat. NPCs would do nothing but attack the Spiritual Weapon for several rounds. Thus you could use Spiritual Weapon to win any battle with melee NPCs.)
- Sleet Storm now does cold damage to those wearing metal armor. Sleet Storm also causes a reflex save. Failure causes you to slip on the ice. Spell graphics have been changed. (Sleet Storm was a broken spell. It would cause NPCs and PCs to get endless AoOs when a prone character would stand. Invisibility plus any AoO other than moving through a threatened space causes a huge bug. This spell was a disaster.)
- Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound now has hit points (25 + 6 x spell caster level). When the hound is destroyed it will stop fighting. It is still immune to magic attacks. (Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound was a broken spell because NPCs would attack it in melee combat. NPCs would do nothing but attack the hound for several rounds. Thus you could use it to win any battle with melee NPCs.)
- Made 3rd and 4th level paladin and ranger spells castable through a rather dodgy method. This also involved implementing the paladin Holy Sword spell.
- Door re-added to the brothel.
- Fixed dozens of spells so that enemy NPCs could cast them.
- Fixed several reputations that would not trigger.
- Fixed multiple errors in file.
- Fixed multiple errors in dialogs.
- Fixed problem of two-weapon fighting NPCs not using two weapons in combat.
- Completed coding on evil quests that was never finished or implemented.
- Fixed the (What's Eating the Supreme Commander?) quest.
- Fixed the (Burne's Puzzles) quest.
- Fixed the (Mona's Crystal Ball) quest (lots of work done!).
- Fixed the (Porky's Revenge) quest (lots of work done!).
- Fixed Wicked (back in game).
- Fixed Feldrin (back in game).
- Fixed Romag's diary.
- Fixed problems with Jenelda's dialog.
- Fixed problems with Serena's dialog.
- Fixed problems with Riana's dialog.
- Fixed many problems with the Snake Pit.
- Fixed scripts for Zert, Turuko, and Kobort.
- Fixed blue villager garb.
- Fixed bard's spells per day, druid's armor proficiency, monster constitution bonuses, and AC penalties for low dexterity.
- Fixed two broken random encounter maps. Now one of eight maps is randomly chosen for each random encounter. Previously, only two or three of the eight maps were used.
- Implemented monster HD changes.
- Fixed temple level 1 gnolls getting damage reduction.
- Fixed Moathouse gnolls getting damage reduction.
- Fixed skeletons getting AoOs while using crossbows.
- Bodaks now have a Death Gaze attack.
- Gorgons now have a Petrifying Breath attack (of sorts).
- Basilisks now have a Petrifying Gaze attack (of sorts).
- Summoned demons will no longer summon additional demons.
- Major adjustments to Guardian Balor, Guardian Vrock, Guardian Glabrezu, and Guardian Hezrou.
- Hezrou now has stench effect.
- Hezrou Stench has been adjusted to make encounter more playable.
- Mass Cure Light Wounds now works as per 3.5 rules.
- Mass Inflict Light Wounds now works as per 3.5 rules.
- Changed Fruella's feat from Weapon Focus: Battleaxe to Weapon Focus: Hand Axe to reflect her starting with a masterwork cleaver (weapon type hand axe).
- Changed some content to add realism.
- Created special dialog option for Jaroo to solve spell permanency problem. Ask about reincarnation to access.
- Fixed some of the broken NPC sounds.
- Summoned skeletons with crossbows will now have many more bolts.
- Repaired broken traps.
- Changed experience system for setting off/disarming traps (no experience): the only way to gain experience from traps is to disarm them.
- Adjusted hit dice size of some creatures that were simply too easy.
- Adjusted many skill check requirements.
- Female long hair (all colours, all races) no longer has that stupid bump at the back. If you don't want it changed, delete folder 'data/art/meshes/hair' after install.
- Wizard hat is now black. If you don't want it black, delete folder 'data/art/meshes/helms' after install.
- Ochre villager garb now features a black skirt.
- Fixed masterwork armor bonus being added to skill checks.
- Gnoll caravan attack map fix: a 'travel agent' has been added to take you off that map if you get stuck.
- Fixed the second Earth Temple quest (Letter Delivery) so that if Rentsch is dead you can correctly report it.
- Fixed bug associated with Brother Smyth and viewing his inventory through dialogue.
- Rufus should now leave the party if you ask him to.
- Fixed the issue of Smigmal Redhand disappearing and then later attacking while untargetable.
- Terjon should now acknowledge that the Moathouse has been cleared after you've cleared it.
- Low intelligence responses fixed in Lareth's dialogue file.
- Low intelligence responses fixed in Rannos and Gremag's dialogue files.
- Elmo will now sober up (stop staggering and talking foolishly) if you ask him to.
- Fixed some bugs with Lareth's spiders.
- Put kids back into TOEE with dialog.
G. CO8 3.0.0 and revisions
- duggelz's level uncapper: PCs may now level up past 10th.
- Shin's looting fix: NPCs will now only loot gems and jewelry, for the most part.
- NPCs now level up as if they were PCs.
- Halflings should now get the +4 hide modifier due to small size.
- Skill Focus (Perform), Skill Focus (Survival), Skill Focus (Tumble), and Skill Focus (Use Device) should work and give +3 modifiers to the appropriate skill.
- You should no longer be able to take Power Attack at creation if you have a strength of 12 (or any other strength dependent skill).
- You should no longer be able to take Quick Draw at creation if you do not have a BAB of +1.
- Greater Flurry (well, the improved version of Flurry of Blows at level 11) should now work.
- Ki Strike should now add the adamantium damage type at level 16.
- Open hand damage for large sized monks should be correctly calculated.
- Unarmed damage for non-monk enlarged medium sized creatures should now be 1d4. (May have been 1d3 before. Not sure.)
- Monk and barbarian Fast Movement bonuses split. Monk Fast Movement bonus is treated as an enhancement bonus (as per PHB 3.5), and thus does not stack with Haste or Expeditious Retreat. Barbarian Fast Movement is treated as an unnamed bonus, and thus stacks with Expeditious Retreat. Haste does not work correctly with it yet.
- Abundant Step feat name added. (Doesn't do anything)
- Quivering Palm feat name added. (Doesn't do anything)
- Empty Body feat name added. (Doesn't do anything)
- Perfect Self feat name added. (Doesn't do anything)
- Base intelligence now used for calculating skill points.
- Odd bug with regard to raising intelligence on level up - would occassionally not give you an extra skill point even if you should've gotten one, but required that you had previously selected another stat as your attribute to be raised, and then selected intelligence. Should be fixed.
- Half point skill ranks should now display correctly in the levelup dialog.
- Class skills of cleric domains are now properly treated as actual class skills when leveling up cleric.
- Class skills of cleric domains are now always correctly treated as class skills for the purposes of calculating the maximum rank possible, even when not leveling up cleric.
- Can now increase the rank of non-class skills of the class being leveled up to the maximum rank possible if the skill is a class skill of another of your classes.
- Barbarians now retain their +10 movement while wearing medium armor.
- Barbarians no longer maintain their +10 movement while heavily encumbered.
- Monk special abilities (Flurry of Blows, Monk AC bonuses, and Fast Movement) no longer apply while monks are medium or heavily encumbered.
- Monk/Barbarians (all two of them) will still get their +10 movement even while wearing armor. I think. I didn't actually have a Monk/Barbarian to test this out with.
- Stunning Fist now has (monk_level) + (non_monk_levels / 4) charges per, period, probably. Used to be (level) number of charges.
- Selecting an attribute to improve during levelup will now clear your feat selection choices. This was done as the simplest way to avoid invalid feat selections. (i.e., raise your strength to 13, pick power attack, and then raise some other attribute.)
- You can no longer raise skills if you have negative skill points. (Okay, it didn't happen that often, and it wouldn't actually let you finish leveling up if you did have negative skill points, but it was still a bug.)
- Power Attack will only apply the attack penalties if you are wielding a non-light weapon, or your primary attack is unarmed. Theoretically, if monks are ever capable of doing unarmed strikes even while armed, Power Attack should more or less always be on, but they're not, so it's not. Now to fix damage.
- Power Attack should apply a x1 damage bonus to unarmed attacks and one-handed weapons when either an off-hand weapon is used or a shield is used. Light weapons get no damage bonus, and any other case gets a x2 damage bonus.
- Weapon Focus, Weapon Finesse, and other skills that rely upon a weapon proficiency will now recognize new weapon proficiencies you pick up when you multi-class into another class.
- Rapid Reload and any other feats (are there any?) that rely upon having a crossbow proficiency are now selectable when you multi-class into any other class than a druid. Druid/fighters rejoice!
- Haste now provides an enhancement bonus of min (30, target's base speed) to movement. This means that it will not stack with Monk's Fast Movement, but will stack with Barbarian's Fast Movement. Furthermore, it will no longer cap movement at 2 x base speed. Note that it's the barbarian's base speed unmodified by Fast Movement that's used. Hasted dwarven barbarians move at 50.
- You can now use a higher level spell slot to memorize a spell. Go 20+ magic missiles!
- The left side of the spell book should now go up to spell level nine. Not that there are any level nine spells for you to know. Heck, I don't think there's even a Chain Lightning scroll.
- Level 5 metamagic feats will no longer be added to the end of the list (down by level 9 spells).
- Deleteing meta-magiced spells should no longer be as screwy. (The old code only overwrote it with the last spell on the spellbook list - this should actually delete it.)
- Meta-magic effects can now raise a spell to level 9.
- Strength domain added to St. Cuthbert, as per manual.
- Resurrection xp penalties should now work up to level 20.
- Fixed Rik Linkin's dialogue so that he doesn't mention Filliken's problem unless you ask him about the barn. If you haven't heard about the barn yet, Rik won't mention it either.
- Corrected number of charges for Wand of Fear.
- Added OIF NO NPC PICKUP to Bracers +5 and misc wands.
- Restored original tutorial weapons and deleted Spugnoir's extra feats.
- Masterwork Maul weapon type changed from greatclub to warhammer.
- Chill Touch now correctly displayed as Necromancy.
- Fixed Greater Command in the cleric spell memorization area not having any short text describing what it does.
- Fixed duration for Ice Storm.
- Fixed duration for Guidance.
- Fixed duration for Silence.
- Corrected Goodberry (will now expire after use).
- Corrected Daze (which previously checked for size instead of hit dice as criteria).
- Corrected Produce Flame. It will now cap maximum bonus damage at +5.
- Shout damage corrected to 5d6.
- Corrected duration of Protection from Good/Evil/Law/Chaos spells.
- Corrected hyperlink for Cure Light Wounds, Mass. Also it is now correctly tagged as conjuration.
- Added Animal Growth and Rage as scribable spells. Dispel Water should also be scribable.
- Corrected Craft Rod showing up in radial menu as Forge Arms & Armor.
- Fixed enhancement bonus of Holy Longsword.
- Fixed misc. issues with item weight/price/magical flags. [9 items]
- Fixed issues with non-copyable spells [10 spells], unscribable scrolls [3 scrolls], scrolls with no spell prerequisites [1 scroll], and uncraftable wands [1 wand].
- Partial fix for Javelin of Lightning.
- Partial fix for Potions of Eagle's Splendor and Heroism.
- Fixed problem where blue elven chain was not given as reward for Tillahi's rescue.
- Corrected corrupted
- Restored large wooden shields to proper equipment slot.
- Corrected short text error for Greater Magic Fang.
- Corrected the natural armor of ogres.
- Corrected many creature immunities, including elementals being vulnerable to sneak attack, skeletons and zombies having no immunity to Tasha's HL, skeletons and elementals being affected by Cloudkill poison, Stinking Cloud, etc. The will o' the wisps' spell immunity has also been given a close approximation. Also various mind-affecting spells should now encounter proper immunity when cast on elementals/oozes/undead.
- Hefty changes in start_equipment.mes to better reflect PHB settings.
- Changed all javelins to one-handed wielding.
- Fixed Monks not being proficient in halfling sianghams.
- Enabled Scather, Fragarach and katanas to be used one-handed with proper proficiency (corrected weapon size).
- Amended damage for Scather and Fragarach.
- Corrected crossbow size for Wonnilon's repeating crossbow and masterwork light crossbow.
- Masterwork guisarme corrected (was previously almost a masterwork battleaxe).
- Amulet of Natural Armor +3 is now craftable as per 3.5e rules.
- Changed all previously coded Monster Juggernaut to Monster Plant to restore sensitivity to elemental damage, added Monster Plant to skeleton gnolls for spell resistance purposes.
- Restored masterwork light crossbow and masterwork heavy crossbow as 2-handed weapons.
- Changed Scorpp's stats to reflect 3.5e SRD better and to prevent parties hiring Scorpp from being overpowered.
- Changed Scorpp so he uses his club instead of his crossbow in combat.
- Made AI improvements.
- Pouch of bullets added to Brother Smyth's and Otis's store inventories.
- Black Jay's items identified.
- Amended Protection from Law to item_creation.mes.
- Gloves of Giant Strength substituted with Belts of Giant Strength.
H. CO8 2.0.0
- Toshi's Katana Mod v1.0 - Summary of changes: damage adjusted to 1d10 /19-20x2; damage used is v3.5 standard as per the DMG; katana now uses Exotic Weapon Proficiency to mirror rules listed in 3.5 DMG; one handed or two-handed wielding style available; mod test up to 6th level - enchantment and customization of the katana with craft skills appears to remain unchanged and is working as intended. Katana rules description: the katana damage has been adjusted to the damage and critical range values listed in the 3.5 DMG. Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword is now required for the katana to be wielded normally. Bastard sword proficiency was used as it was the closest approximation to the katana sword in the available list of proficiencies.
- Mona's Orb quest fixed.
- Brothel dialogue/Mona quest fixes: stops Mickey from running off, more points in Mona's dialog to go into brothel, and no teleport after using services.
- Burning Hands is now an evocation spell (as opposed to transmutation previously).
- Item crafting: spells which require Fox's Cunning now function as they should.
- The blacksmith now has a 75% chance of selling a full helm and a katana.
- Sorcerers now start with red clothes as opposed to green. There's nowhere in the game where you can purchase it and it looks better than the other two. This will be changed when someone figures out how to implement it into the tailor's store inventory.
- Items renamed: pirate hat is now called a biscorne; Asian hat is now called a coolie hat.
- Fogless towns: this modification makes it so that all the exterior and interior areas in the towns of Hommlet and Nulb are removed of the incredibly annoying 'fog of war' effect. You will notice an improvement in your framerate and performance in the aforementioned areas. Combat areas are still the same for a variety of reasons, a couple of them being to retain the elements of surprise and adventure. It's just no fun knowing exactly where to expect combat situations.
I. CO8 1.0.0 and revisions
- Fixed damage problems with Flame Strike (Now correctly does 1d6 x Spell Caster Level [1/2 Fire and 1/2 Divine Damage]).
- Chill touch no longer has unlimited number of uses.
- Burne no longer gets summon monster V at 4th level.
- Improved chances of 'permanency' bug not occurring with touch based spells.
- Improved chances of 'permanency' bug not occurring with Silence, Web, Soften Earth & Stone and Spiked Growth spells.
- Cure/Inflict line of spells was incorrectly calculating values. Was adding the caster level to the die size (i.e. level 5 cleric uses 1d13). Now correctly rolls and adds caster level.
- All cleric domains but Air are fixed. (Air is bugged majorly.)
- All known (to us) scroll bugs have been addressed (bugs preventing scribing, scribing at the wrong level, or not doing what was advertised (Fox's Cunning != aid :)). (Except Hold Portal. Don't ask us about Hold Portal, ask Troika. We can't fix it.)
- All Hold Portal scrolls magically transformed into Grease. All references to Hold Portal removed for clarity's sake.
- Read Magic will identify potions and scrolls.
- Numerous problems resolved with wands (including the 10 lb. wand bug, can't craft it, and wrong spell bugs).
- All magic items that were previously un-craftable should now be craftable. (Bands of Intelligence, etc.).
- Chainmail Boots and Gloves no longer are considered "medium" armor, and therefore will not slow you down while wearing them.
- Cloaks of Resistance +2 and +3 now correctly give +2 and +3 bonuses to saves.
- Masterwork armor/shields apply proper 3.5 skill check penalties.
- Pre-existing armor/shields apply proper 3.5 skill check penalties.
- Crafted +1 armor/shields apply proper 3.5 skill check penalties.
- Masterwork/magic weapons should finesse now -- keyword: should. Either that or no weapon will finesse.
- Masterwork items are now "purchasable" from the blacksmith.
- Dust of Disappearance is now worth 3.5 DMG value rather then 0 Gold.
- All potions work now.
- New/modified items For "Craft Misc. Magic" (using standard 3.5 edition statistics): Bracers of Armor +1, +2, +4, Cloak of Arachnidia, Circlet of Blasting, Minor.
- Wand of Magic Missiles has been broken up into Wand of MM (2), (3) and (5). You have to be level 3, 5, and 9 to make them, respectively.
- Detailed feat hover descriptions have been added.
- In-game Help files updated to reflect fixing of cleric domains (except Air).
- NPC's demand an equal share of gold and no more, despite what their dialogs will say. Furthermore, you can exchange equipment with them as well. They will not give up their money, though. The follower looting does not affect any followers already in the party.
- Re-enablement of the "brothel" map, NPCs, quests, and companions. (The brothel was removed in the late stages of game development.)
- New dialog choices have been added into Mona's conversation tree.
A. CO8 5.8.0
- Added Welkwood Bog mod (NC modpack only).
- Added updated version of Hickory Branch mod (NC modpack only).
- Added updated version of Moathouse Respawn mod (NC modpack only).
B. CO8 5.7.0 and revisions
- Added spells Acid Fog and Gentle Repose.
- Added flasks of oil, spyglasses, healing kits, scholars kits, eyeglasses, smokesticks, acid, distilled acid, purified acid, eruptive acid, antitoxins, and lockslip grease.
- Added white, black, red, and blue wizard robes (new style).
- Added white, black, and red mystic garb.
- Added gold plumed helm.
- Added white, brown, blue, ice, and fire wizard hats.
C. CO8 5.6.0
- Added inventory icon for black full plate armor.
- Added several new NPC portraits.
- Added numerous sound effects for traps and spawns and other things.
- Added Mona's store map to Nulb.
- Added TotWC teasers in Welkwood Bog and Nulb.
D. CO8 5.5.0
- krunch's 'Hickory Branch' Mod, overhauled by Gaear: orcs, orcs, and more orcs. Other monsters too.
- Added townmap for Hickory Branch.
- Added signposts to Hommlet and Nulb for directions and easy travel throughout town.
- Added spell Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass.
- Added spell Inflict Serious Wounds, Mass.
- Added spell Inflict Critical Wounds, Mass.
- Added spell Blasphemy: daze, weakness, paralysis, or death to non-evil creatures. Banishes outsiders.
- Added spell Circle of Death: annihilates low hit die monsters in a radius around the caster!
- Added spell Heroes' Feast: 12 hours of attack bonus, immunity to poison, fear resistance, and temp hit points. Cures disease.
- Added spell Hold Monster, Mass: attempts to paralyze monsters in a radius.
- Added spell Hold Person, Mass: attempts to paralyze people in a radius.
- Added spell Holy Word: deafness, blindness, paralysis, or death to non-good creatures. Banishes outsiders.
- Added spell Horrid Wilting: 1d6/level damage (max. 25d6) in a phenomenal 60' radius area.
- Added spell Insanity: causes a target to become permanently confused.
- Added spell Polar Ray: cold beam ranged touch attack inflicts up to 25d6 damage, no save!
- Added spell Power Word Blind: blinds creature with less than 200 hp.
- Added spell Power Word Kill: kills creature with less than 100 hp.
- Added spell Power Word Stun: stuns creature with less than 150 hp.
- Added spell Undeath to Death: destroys low-level undead in a radius around the caster.
- Added spell Warp Wood: destroys wooden missile weapons, unlocks wooden doors and containers. Warps wooden melee weapons. Can also be used to unwarp a melee weapon that is unattended (on the ground).
- Added spell Eyebite.
- Added spell Mass Charm Monster.
- Added Monk's Belt.
- Added Robes of Midnight.
- Added Helm of Midnight.
- Added black brigand-style masterwork leather armor.
- Added rolling pin.
- Added sickle (now looks like a sickle).
- Added 'Shadowblade' (type: rapier).
- Added thyrshadi (type: greatsword).
- Added shashka (type: rapier).
- Added 'Sky' (type: rapier).
- Added 'Sea' (type: rapier).
- Added 'Dante's Saber' (type: bastard sword).
- Added two handed axe (type: great axe).
- Added black studded leather armor.
- Added two long coats.
- Added phase spider skin.
- Added lamellar armor.
- Added new inventory icon for dragon plate armor.
- Added fur armor.
- Added bark armor.
- Added leather scale armor.
- Added bondleaf armor.
- Added moon-ivy armor.
- Added dwarven stone armor.
- Added jian.
- Added naginata.
- Added monk spade.
- Added rake.
- Added shovel.
- Added war fan.
- Added tonfa.
- Added dao.
- Added butterfly sword.
- Added katar.
- Added shell armor.
- Added a blue robe, 3 fancy hats, 2 new cloaks, a new heavy armor type (plus masterwork), and 2 new helmets.
- Added orc double axe.
- Added inventory icons for gladiator and marauder armor.
- Added a new hat and a new skin for hellhounds.
- Added new hats and robes to the tailor's shop in Hommlet.
- Added patchwork bandit armor.
- Added a few new sounds for monsters and various effects.
- Added a few new voice audio lines for Gremag and shortened some of his longer lines.
- Added a new quest from Burne to investigate Rannos and Gremag's assasination attempt. Added a two new reputations related to same.
- Added a variety of new voice audio for Burne.
- Added the ring of resonance, ring of force shield, and ring of chameleon power.
- Added 30 new PC voice sets from Neverwinter Nights and Icewind Dale.
- Added a new brick and mortor shop map to replace the merchant caravan model. Reined in uber-items and made greater numbers of normal items avaialble. Also added several new clothing items and various inventory icons to represent them.
- Added area description pop-up boxes for various world map locations.
- Added 48 new custom PC portraits.
- Added six new ground maps for the upcoming Welkwood Bog mod.
- Added numerous generic citizens in Hommlet to increase the perceived population and activity of the village. Assigned day/night standpoints and waypoints for same so that they do different things at different times.
- Added varying daylight color tones to outdoor maps that didn't have them before, including the parapet level of Burne and Rufus' tower, the Moathouse exit tunnel, Welkwood Woods, Hickory Branch, the Temple deserted farm, the ogre cave exterior, the colosseum, Verbobonc, Gnarley Forest, Welkwood Bog, Welkwood Island, and Welkwood Ruins.
E. CO8 5.0.0
- Allyx's 'Verbobonc' Mod: adds parts of the city of Verbobonc to ToEE. Adds six new quests, five new traders, six new monsters, and a new NPC race (sort of). Also features intrigue, plot twists, a few surprises here and there, and a shopkeeper who is extremely difficult to gain access to (but is well worth the effort).
- Shiningted's 'Moathouse Respawn' Mod: new inhabitants will now move into the Moathouse after you clear it the first time.
- Added new joinable NPC, Ronald the Cleric, by Endarire and Shiningted. Tons of new stuff related to this new NPC, mainly dealing with interactions with other NPCs and game situations.
- Added new encounter with Zert, Turuko, and Kobort with new voiced lines.
- Added new quest for 2nd to 4th level characters involving orcs in a cave.
- Added Shopmap 'greeter' who explains what to do there and defends the traders if you attack them.
- Added new 'encampment' random encounter map.
- Added voices for many of the unvoiced NPCs in the game, including Gremag, Clarisse, Black Jay, Rannos Davl, Kenter Nevets, Kent, Valden, Frank the Balor, Barkinar, Deggum, the Gnoll Leader from the Moathouse, Falrinth, Jade Empress, Pishella, and Kella.
- Added Co8 tagline in the opening Game Menu that tells you what mod version number you're playing.
- Added new outdoor map for the Gnarley Forest.
- Added spells Summon Monster VI - IX.
- Added spells Summon Nature's Ally VI - IX.
- Added spell Analyze Dweomer and scroll.
- Added spell Delayed Blast Fireball and scroll.
- Added spell Mass Heal and scroll.
- Added spell Mordenkainen's Sword and scroll.
- Added spell Prismatic Spray and scroll.
- Added spell Tenser's Transformation and scroll.
- Added spell Weird and scroll.
- Added spell Mass Bear's Endurance and scroll.
- Added spell Mass Bull's Strength and scroll.
- Added spell Mass Cat's Grace and scroll.
- Added spell Mass Eagle's Splendor and scroll.
- Added spell Mass Fox's Cunning and scroll.
- Added spell Mass Owl's Wisdom and scroll.
- Added spell Mass Cure Moderate Wounds and scroll.
- Added spell Mass Cure Serious Wounds and scroll.
- Added spell Mass Cure Critical Wounds and scroll.
- Added spell Extraplanar Chest and scroll. It is a substitute for a Bag of Holding, which has proven to be difficult to implement in the game.
- Added new spell sounds for many new and old spells.
- Added new creatures for Summon Monster VI - IX spells. Some of the new creatures have new armor, weapons and meshes.
- Added new creatures for Summon Nature's Ally VI - IX spells. Some of the new creatures have new armor, weapons and meshes.
- Added kobolds.
- Added dire bear.
- Added dire boar.
- Added fiendish boar.
- Added fiendish dire boar.
- Added wild boar.
- Added cleaver.
- Added boxing gloves.
- Added spiked gauntlets.
- Added masterwork spiked gauntlets.
- Added masterwork trident.
- Added masterwork halberd.
- Added Cloak of Elvenkind.
- Added bone armor (new mesh).
- Added Cloak of Arachnida (new mesh).
- Added Robe of Eyes (new mesh).
- Added fine chainmail.
- Added masterwork fine chainmail.
- Added golden chainmail.
F. CO8 4.0.0 and revisions
- Shiningted's 'Playful NPCs' Mod: adds many more interactions (with dialogs and voice) between NPCs.
- Shiningted's 'Desperate Housewives' Mod (optional install): adds many new quests with a tongue in cheek feel. A pleasant aside from the main campaign, it provides some combat for first level characters.
- Re-wrote entire enemy AI with additional scripting (80+ new AI scripts).
- Created a system for enemy NPCs to attempt to break free.
- Created a system for enemy NPCs to use scrolls and wands.
- Created a new system for determining distance in random encounters.
- Created a system for NPC spell casters to pre-buff with spells.
- Added new traps.
- Created new trap types.
- Created special dialog option for NPC inventory manipulation.
- Added more uses for Pick Lock, Disarm Trap, and Survival.
- Added many, many new uses for Intimidate, Sense Motive, Bluff, Diplomacy, and Gather Information.
- Added Shop Map: changes starting map to a 'reproduction' caravan map with 3 traders, removes all starting equipment (except weapons that feats were spent on and simple clothing) and changes starting money to a random amount of gold based on what they should have in the PHB and some 'pocket money.' After you have talked to all three traders and bought your starting equipment, talk to the armor trader again and tell him you are ready to begin adventuring. He will send you to the appropriate opening vignette for your party's alignment. Install options: 'No Clothing' starts your party with no clothing whatsoever; 'No Weapons' starts your party with no weapons whatsoever.
- Added spell Scorching Ray.
- Added spell Greater Heroism.
- Added spell descriptions for Scorching Ray and Greater Heroism.
- Added magic and and masterwork bardic instruments.
- Added new skin for adamantium breastplate.
- Added new skin for dragonhide plate.
- Added Rod of the Python (summons a python).
- Added Rod of the Viper (summons a poisonous snake).
- Added composite longbow (Str 12).
- Added composite longbow (Str 16).
- Added composite shortbow (Str 12).
- Added composite shortbow (Str 14).
- Added masterwork composite longbow (Str 12).
- Added masterwork composite longbow (Str 14).
- Added masterwork composite longbow (Str 16).
- Added masterwork composite shortbow (Str 12).
- Added masterwork composite shortbow (Str 14).
- Added Staff of Size Alteration.
- Added Staff of Charming.
- Added Staff of Frost.
- Added Staff of the Woodlands.
- Added Staff of Healing.
- Added Rod of Alertness.
- Added Rod of Negation.
- Added Rod of Thunder and Lightning.
- Added Staff of Elemental Control (air).
- Added Staff of Elemental Control (earth).
- Added Staff of Elemental Control (fire).
- Added Staff of Elemental Control (water).
- Added Staff of Boccob.
- Added 'Sahandrian.'
- Added 'Jenevier.'
- Added 'Agony.'
- Added 'Travelers Friend.'
- Added 'Arumdina.'
- Added 'Blood Spear.'
- Added 'Justice Bringer.'
- Added 'Pain's Memory.'
- Added 'Kelmar.'
- Added 'Soulhammer.'
- Added 'Life Cutter.'
- Added 'Stormstouch.'
- Added 'Swiftstrike.'
- Added 'Sunsceptre.'
- Added Mace of St. Cuthbert.
- Added 'Afterthought.'
- Added 'Discretion.'
- Added 'Hornblade.'
- Added wakizashi.
- Added masterwork wakizashi.
- Added composite longbow (Str 18).
- Added masterwork composite Longbow (Str 18).
- Added Robe of the Archmagi (white).
- Added Robe of the Archmagi (grey).
- Added Robe of the Archmagi (black).
- Added Cape of the Mountebank.
- Added Druid's Vestments.
- Added Cloak of Resistance +4.
- Added Cloak of Resistance +5.
- Added Cloak of Displacement, Minor.
- Added Cloak of Displacement, Major.
- Added Robe of Eyes.
- Added Robe of Blending.
- Added Helm of Brilliance.
- Added Scroll of Scorching Ray.
- Added Scroll of Disintegrate.
- Added Wand of Magic Missiles (1).
- Added Wand of Magic Missiles (4).
- Added Wand of Scorching Ray (1).
- Added Wand of Scorching Ray (2).
- Added Wand of Scorching Ray (3).
- Added Wand of Reincarnation.
- Added Wand of Animate Dead.
- Added Wand of Good Hope.
- Added Wand of Negative Energy Protection.
- Added Wand of Fireball (7th level caster).
- Added Wand of Fireball (9th level caster).
- Added Wand of Fireball (10th level caster).
- Added Wand of Lightning Bolt (7th level caster).
- Added Wand of Lightning Bolt (9th level caster).
- Added Wand of Lightning Bolt (10th level caster).
- Added Ring of Protection +4.
- Added Ring of Protection +5.
- Added Ring of Chameleon Power.
- Added Ring of Electricity Resistance, Minor.
- Added Ring of Sonic Resistance, Minor.
- Added Ring of Cold Resistance, Minor.
- Added Ring of Acid Resistance, Minor.
- Added Ring of Fire Resistance, Major.
- Added Ring of Electricity Resistance, Major.
- Added Ring of Sonic Resistance, Major.
- Added Ring of Cold Resistance, Major.
- Added Ring of Acid Resistance, Major.
- Added Ring of Warmth.
- Added Ring of Blinking.
- Added Brooch of Shielding.
- Added Chime of Interruption.
- Added Circlet of Blasting, Major.
- Added Cloak of the Manta Ray.
- Added Dust of Appearance.
- Added Eyes of Doom.
- Added Pearly White Ioun Stone.
- Added Prayer Beads of Blessing.
- Added Prayer Beads of Healing.
- Added Pipe of Pain.
- Added Pipe of Haunting.
- Added Scarab of Protection.
- Added Mandolin of Charming.
- Added White Dragon, Mature Adult.
- Added Smyth & Westrealm .50 (console only).
- Added double greataxe (type: greataxe).
- Added large axe (type: greataxe).
- Added great mace (type: morningstar).
- Added no dachi (type: bastardsword).
- Added single greataxe (type: greataxe).
- Added Sword of Cahoem (type: longsword).
- Added tetsubo (type: greatclub).
- Added flail (one handed version of heavy flail).
- Added 'Darkblade' (type: greatsword).
- Added Hatori Hanzo Steel (type: katana, bastardsword, console only).
- Added military fork (ranseur).
- Added halberd (guisarme).
- Added trident (ranseur).
- Added gladiator armour.
- Added black dress.
- Added corset.
- Added marauder armour.
- Added white robe.
- Added Boots of Teleportation.
- Added Cloak of Invisibility.
- Added magic Celtic tattoos.
- Added royal armour.
- Added masterwork gladiator armour.
- Added masterwork marauder armour.
- Added red robe.
- Added Celtic tattoos.
- Added black robe.
- Added brown robe.
- Added green robe.
- Added black halfplate.
- Added rusty Egyptian longsword (doesn't look rusty in your hand).
- Added spell Disintegrate.
- Added spell Finger of Death.
- Added spell Miracle.
- Added spell Ray of Clumsiness.
- Added new sub-plots.
- Added the 'Masterwork Items' quest.
- Added the 'A Cure for Amii' quest.
- Added new dialogs.
- Added new encounters.
- Added new items.
- Added new creatures.
- Added a new merchant (very hard to gain access to).
- Added summonable familiars.
- Added mithral buckler.
G. CO8 3.0.0 and revisions
- Added 'Burne's Puzzles' quest.
- Added feat Diamond Body (Copy of Venom Immunity).
- Added feat Diamond Soul (Modded version of Spell Resistance).
H. CO8 2.0.0
- Added new graphics for ioun stones.
I. CO8 1.0.0 and revisions
- Added Cloak of Arachnidia (+2 Save vs. Spider Poison, Immunity to Web, 1x Day Web).
- Added Circlet of Blasting, Minor (1x Searing Light (3d8 vs. Normal, 6d6 vs. Undead).
- Added Hands of Fire ((5/-) Fire Resistance, 1x day Burning Hands).
- Added Hands of Ice ((5/-) Ice Resistance, 1x day Chill Touch).
- Added Hands of Electricity ((5/-) Elec Resistance, 1x Day Shocking Grasp).
- Added Hands of Life (+1 Will Save, 1x day Cure Light Wounds).
- Added Hands of Death (+1 Fort Save, 1x day Inflict Light Wounds).
- Added Ioun Stones (When will developers learn? All games are better with Ioun Stones.): Dusty Rose, +1 Deflection Bonus; Pale Blue, +2 enhancement to Strength; Scarlet and Blue, +2 intelligence; Incandescent Blue, +2 Wisdom; Deep Red, +2 Dexterity; Pink, +2 Constitution; Pink and Green, +2 Charisma.
- Added Bag of Tricks (Randomly produces a 3-5 HD forest animal to fight for the user for 10 minutes 1x day).
- Added White Rod, Minor (+1 Light Mace: 25 charges of Cure Light Wounds, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Good only).
- Added White Rod (+2 Light Mace: 25 charges of Cure Serious Wounds, Magic Circle vs. Evil, Searing Light, Good only).
- Added Gray Rod, Minor (+1 Club: 25 charges of Summon Natures Ally I, Goodberries, Obscuring Mist, Neutral Only).
- Added Gray Rod (+2 Club: 25 charges of Summon Natures Ally III, Sleet Storm, Neutralize Poison, Neutral Only).
- Added Black Rod, Minor (+1 Light Mace: 25 charges of Inflict Light Wounds, Protection from Good, Cause Fear, Evil only).
- Added Black Rod (+2 Light Mace: 25 charges of Inflict Serious Wounds, Magic Circle vs Good, Animate Dead, Evil Only).
- Added Staff of the Transmuter (+2 Quarterstaff: 50 charges of all the "buff" spells).
- Added Staff of Defense (+1 Quarterstaff: +2 Shield Bonus, 50 charges of Mage Armor, Shield, Mirror Image, Protection from Arrows, Fog Cloud).