Din's Curse v1.001 Beta Patch Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1578
'¢ updated some credits
'¢ now have to have more of an attribute than the curse on an item to equip it (iligiann)
'¢ fixed mana regen from an item doesn't change mana regen stat (TheRani/Kruztee)
'¢ added Please Start a Server to No Servers Found message
'¢ can now pause in a multiplayer game if only person in the game (graffen69)
'¢ fixed masteries not working with shockbolt & flaming arrow (Magitek)
'¢ no longer get experience for destroying cave-ins
'¢ gas leaks no longer get destroyed from frost novas (Valgor)
'¢ fixed PerceptionTrapText (Valgor)
'¢ rearranged character damage numbers slightly (Valgor)
'¢ fixed if you like 'em blunt typo (Valgor)
'¢ fixed has been built to serve missing word (Aet)
'¢ fixed suspicious typo (Valgor)
'¢ fixed wars modifier description (Annalisa)
'¢ rewrote shatter description a bit to make when different damages happen more clear (elsol69)
'¢ fixed Demon5bUnique (Kruztee)
'¢ bags, food, drinks, and potions now display a different color (graffen69)
'¢ fixed chests going over max level (sammage)
'¢ fixed blank kidnap quest (Caal)
'¢ fixed a town attack saving issue
'¢ fixed hunters going missing sometimes (Caal/Kruztee)
'¢ fixed scouts & assassins going missing sometimes
'¢ added din status to player title on character menu (Valgor)
'¢ fixed some issues with rain (Annalisa)
'¢ fixed an issue where lighting would cause crazy colors sometimes (Annalisa/Cadfan)
'¢ cave-ins can no longer be eaten by scavengers :) (Valgor)
'¢ fixed alpha issue on naga priest headpiece (Valgor)
'¢ changed conjuror anims on character creation screen to be more representative (Valgor)
'¢ fixed choose specialty screen on non-widescreen resolutions (Valgor)
'¢ aligned scrollbar on solve quest menu better (Valgor)
'¢ fixed showing duplicates in screen frequency drop down box (Valgor)
'¢ added some more text to berserk skill since it's damage relative to a normal attack is confusing (Martin)
'¢ fixed She ain't for sale typo (udm)
'¢ fixed cave-ins going into respawn pool (sammage)
'¢ canRespawn is now saved/loaded in actor
'¢ now quest monsters that can walk through walls wander around so they never get stuck in an area the player can't get to (TheRani/incognoscente)
'¢ renegades can no longer be accidently created based off of monsters (Valgor)
'¢ fixed cleave at skill level 3 not showing damage (fishejim)
'¢ fixed whirlwind at skill level 4 not showing damage
'¢ stealth and escape notice no longer work on hidden enemies
'¢ now changing from main stats to other stats doesn't have a pause blip (Valgor)
'¢ plague now spreads even if above your level (udm)
'¢ now can mark quests to keep spawning new events even after completing but before solved
'¢ now show player level on main screen next to player name (henryke)
'¢ doors trap also locks nearby doors now
'¢ changed stunning blow from +2% to +base*1.1 each level to be more consistent (Cadfan)
'¢ fixed fog sometimes transparent instead of additive
'¢ now save actor hasDiedBefore
'¢ no longer print death messages for npcs if they die more than once (udm)
'¢ no longer get double xp when you have escorts
'¢ now final Din quest reward chests always have at least one artifact or better item (udm)
'¢ petrified npcs can no longer try to solve quests (TheRani)
'¢ now worlds lower than level 7 have less initial quests
'¢ now worlds higher than level 20 have more initial quests
'¢ overrides mod stuff now works with lists of things like StartingItem (The_Dajaw)
'¢ added a way to mod the UI without over writing an entire UI file (mergeWith command)
'¢ can now add loose trn files so that mods can add or override text without over writing an entire trn file (The_Dajaw)