Undermountain Entry Chamber
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 Undermountain Entry Chamber |
Undermountain Entry Chamber
A "cowardly goblin" runs up as soon as you enter and will rehash the warnings you've already received from other people on how to survive Undermountain. He will also tell you that its creator and maintenance man has disappeared, resulting in anarchy among the creatures the dwell there. The ogres and fairies are specifically engaged in a feud at the moment. You can send him up to the inn and get Durnan to keep him on as a servant for some points toward good. You can also kill him or refuse to let him escape Undermountain.
There's a skeleton warrior here that will give you your first taste of what's to come. It took me forever to kill him because I hadn't made wise purchases at the stores and, therefore, only had a normal weapon. Luckily, there are some +3 enchanted weapons to be found early on.