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 Undermountain: Level One (South) |
Undermountain: Level One (South)
There are frenzied harpies and an evil nymph in this chamber.
A fairy that creates skeleton bombs lives here. Having a high Search skill makes it easier to find this room. You have to go through two secret doors (marked as "S") to get here. Killing the bomb maker is recommended before you head to the lever puzzle room, because you won't have to deal with skeleton bombs while you're solving the puzzle.
I have to admit, it took me a while to figure out this lever puzzle. Basically, what you have to do is "use" a statue until it is facing the locked door (you'll know because it will zap it with energy). When the statue is in the right position, you have to quickly pull the lever beside it so it will stay there. Once you've managed to do this for all three, they'll destroy the door and you can go into the room. There are some pretty good rewards in the chest, including an enchanted greatsword and a helmet that raises your dexterity by one and allows you to cast haste twice a day.
The malevolent grigs in this room will wake up some zombie protectors to fight you.
The fight with the fairy queen is easier than the one with the ogre mage. Again, you can pump her for information before killing her or letting her go. The keg of alchemist's fire that you need to blast the caved-in stairway in the ogre mage's chamber is in the room behind this one. You get 2000 xp for blasting the cave in, so you should do it, even if you already solved the lever puzzle.