Doomguide |
Those who worry about life after death turn to the doomguides of Kelemvor, an elite order of spellcasting warriors in service to the Judge of the Damned, to answer their fears with promises of a painless transition and a fair judgment in the afterlife. When not administering to the needs of those about to die, doomguides halt the spread of necromancy by cleansing the taint of unlife through careful application of faith, spells, and bladecraft. As both compassionate undertakers and vigorous foes of the undead, doomguides represent the inherent dualism that defines death in the Realms. Doomguides come exclusively from the ranks of Kelemvor's clergy.
- Alignment: Any lawful.
- Skills: Diplomacy 5 ranks.
- Feats: Extra Turning, Great Fortitude.
- Spells: Level 3 divine spellcaster.
- Deity: Kelemvor.
Class Features:
- Hit Dice: d6.
- Base Attack Bonus: High.
- High Saves: Will.
- Weapon Proficiencies: Doomguides gain no weapon proficiencies.
- Armor Proficiencies: Doomguides gain no armor proficiencies.
- Skill Points: 2 + Int modifier.
- Class Skills: Concentration, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Heal, Lore, and Spellcraft.
- Spells per Day: At each doomguide level, characters gain new spells per day as if they had also gained a level in a divine spellcasting class to which they belonged before adding the prestige class level. They do not, however, gain any other benefits a character of that class would have gained.
- Kelemvor's Boon: By the grace of the Lord of the Dead, doomguides add their doomguide class levels to their cleric levels for purposes of turning or destroying undead, both for the initial turning check and the turning damage roll.
- Bonus Feats: At level 2, doomguides gain Improved Turning. At level 3, they gain Extra Turning II. At level 6, they gain Divine Vengeance. At level 10, they gain Empower Turning and Extra Turning III.
- Save Bonus: At 4th level, doomguides get a +4 bonus on saving throws against death effects and to saving throws to overcome a negative level. Upon reaching 8th level, doomguides always make their saving throw to overcome a negative level.
- Bond of Fatal Touch: The doomguides' devotion to Kelemvor and dedication to the teachings of the Lord of the Crystal Spire have helped them to establish certain supernatural links to Fatal Touch, Kelemvor's powerful bastard sword. These links manifest in the form of a pale green nimbus around the weapon, representing the ability of the doomguides to increase the power of the weapon they wield.
The ability lasts for 1 round each time it is used, and can be invoked a number of times per day equal to the doomguide's Charisma bonus (minimum 1). A doomguide must decide to use the ability before attacking, and if the attack misses that use is wasted.
At 5th level, the bond grants the wielded weapon the Ghost Touch property. At 7th level, the weapon also gains the Undead Bane property. At 9th level, the weapon also gains the Disruption property (even if it is not a bludgeoning weapon). The weapon's normal abilities still apply.
- Ethereal Purge: At 8th level, once per day doomguides may surround themselves with a sphere of power, with a radius of 5 feet per class level, that forces all concealed creatures in the area to manifest on or shift themselves to the Material Plane, as appropriate. Such creatures may attempt a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the doomguide's class level + the doomguide's Wisdom bonus) to resist the effect. Those who fail suffer the above effects and are prevented from returning to concealment for 1 minute per class level.
- Kelemvor's Grace: At 10th level, a doomguide gains complete immunity to death effects. Furthermore, allies within 10 feet of the doomguide gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against death effects and to saving throws to overcome a negative level.