Dungeons Preview
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1233
For example, a particular hero might have a predilection for treasure hunting. If you place a glittering mound of gold where he can see it, he'll stop to greedily fill his pockets, boosting his overall happiness. You also earn prestige points, which are used to purchase additional items or upgrade your Dungeon Lord. (Each item, or "gimmick" as Rauscher calls them, comes with its own customizable light source, throwing your dungeon into a moody, multicolored glow.) After your minions beat him into submission, one of your dull-witted goblin lackeys quickly carries him off to a cell to be reaped of his soul.
What happens if your "guests" become bored, you ask? Simple: They'll vent their frustration directly on you. Unsatisfied heroes will beeline for your Dungeon Lord and the Dungeon Heart, the source of your dungeon's power. "If a hero succeeds in destroying the Heart, it's game over," says Rauscher.
Thankfully, you can assume direct control of the Dungeon Lord any time you wish. The gameplay resembles a typical third-person action role-playing game, complete with stats, spells, and clunky armor, natch. While vicariously offing heroes via hordes of monsters is always nice, having the option to deliever a personal beatdown with the hulking Dungeon Lord was an especially welcome treat.