Fallout: New Vegas Reviews
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IGN gives it an 8.5/10:
In New Vegas, the fun Fallout 3 formula is intact, with more polished combat, high-quality side missions, and the exciting setting of the Vegas strip. Unfortunately, the bugs also tagged along for the ride. If Obsidian and Bethesda had polished up the game by fixing the AI, improving the animations or even gotten it to run smoothly, perhaps it would feel less like a giant expansion of Fallout 3 and more like its own game. Be that as it may, Fallout 3 was a great game, so as similar as it is, Fallout: New Vegas is still a fun ride that offers more for fans of the series to enjoy. If you can look past its shortcomings, this is definitely a wasteland worth exploring.
PC Gamer gives it an 84/100:
There are things to see, sure, but the rewards aren't nearly as interesting in New Vegas. I didn't get as much out of heading for intriguing things on the horizon as I did in the previous game. With some new technology and the ambition to create a full world as compelling as the previous game's, it could have been wonderful.
The Escapist gives it a 4/5:
Fans of either the original Fallout games, or 2008's Fallout 3 will find plenty to love in this new installment. New weapons, characters and locations, plus a fresh sensibility marry to make New Vegas a near-perfect continuation of the series.
The Guardian gives it a perfect 5/5:
For the rest of us, Fallout: New Vegas is simply every bit as good as you'd expect. Writing this review has been difficult simply because I've been itching to strap on my Pipboy, get back to the wasteland and do a bit more exploring there's nothing quite like it. I think you'll feel the same.
MTV Multiplayer doesn't score it:
If it weren't for the bugs, I'd say that I enjoyed "Fallout: New Vegas" more than its predecessor. It's an incredible journey and one that I can't seem to stop playing, even after I finished working on this review. My sincere hope is that Bethesda and Obsidian work quickly on patching the larger bugs in the game, because once those are fixed, players will be treated to one extraordinarily fun gem of a game.
AusGamers gives it a 9.0/10:
Beyond the technical shortcomings though, I can't put the damn game down. And like I said, it's big. Really big. Dauntingly big. But engagingly so. The writing is much tighter, the characters more engaging, the world more tangible and your investment in it so much more personal - here's hoping we see a culmination of both efforts for the obvious fourth installment on some bugless new tech.
Gamereactor gives it a 9/10:
Fallout: New Vegas is at its core more of the same basic experience we got from Fallout 3. However, there is enough here that is different for it not to be a problem and why fix things that ain't broke? The plot, story, quests and design or on par with Fallout 3, and the writing is better in my opinion. The bugs can be a bit annoying, but you get so much out of the New Vegas experience that they don't really bother me. If you enjoyed Fallout 3 you will no doubt enjoy Fallout: New Vegas.
VideoGamer gives it a 9/10:
It's fair to say that Obsidian has never really had a defining success. For years it's been the studio that gives us "almost but not quite" games - from the unrealised ambition of Knights of the Old Republic 2, to the scrappy mess of Alpha Protocol. Well, that reputation dies today. Despite the numerous bugs, New Vegas is a magnificent RPG, one that stands head and shoulders above its predecessor. More importantly, it's also the game that Fallout fans have been waiting for. Van Buren can finally rest in peace.
Bit-tech gives it an 8/10:
What really makes Hardcore mode so important though is it complements the world as a whole, which flicks alternately almost schizophrenically between being brutal and deadly or colourful and alive. Even the area itself expresses that mix, with the bleak Mojave desert contrasting brilliantly with the fully-functioning New Vegas strip where players can play cards. Much of the humour is derived from these contradictions the futuristic cowboy robots in a world of such inhumanity is proof of that. Hardcore mode fits perfectly with that, bringing micromanagement to a game otherwise about epic scale and creating a breeding ground for those previously mentioned moments where Obsidian's vision shines through the limits of what they have to work with.
GamingHeaven gives it a 93/100:
In the end the true test of any game is whether it manages to keep a reviewer wanting more and Fallout: New Vegas certainly does that... A point emphasised by the fact that I was still playing at 5am every day since installing the game... just one more objective... quest... hour...
GameZone gives it a 6.5/10:
Looking purely at the new features of Fallout: New Vegas, I want to entrench myself in the Mojave wasteland and never return. Obsidian Entertainment has bolstered the series with an array of fantastic additions, including crafting and Hardcore mode, but it's hard to appreciate them in light of incessant bugs and unfulfilling quests. Fallout: New Vegas was a valiant effort, but it's back to the vaults for me.
LAN Raiders gives it a 94/100:
Well, Obsidian managed it. I would say this is definitely an improvement upon Fallout 3 and then some. Although they may look the same on the outside, Fallout: New Vegas offers a much deeper experience with extra options, choices and plenty of replay value. Combine that with some impressive visuals and audio and you might just have one of the best, well rounded role playing games on the Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and PC.
Games On Net gives it a 4.5/5:
Will the zealots hate it? Of course they will. But they're zealots, so who cares what they think? For everyone who isn't insane, New Vegas is an utter triumph. This is the game that I always knew Obsidian could make, and to see them finally do it is immensely satisfying. Well done, guys. You're in the A-Leagues now.
XboxAddict gives it an 89%:
Now as we tally up our winnings, we see all this innovation and all of this amazing detail and the total figure is that Fallout: New Vegas is one amazing game. Now even though it is not truly Fallout 4, so much effort has been put into making New Vegas an amazing experience all in its own. With a major improved control scheme, the introduction of Hardcore Mode, beautifully detailed environments and national landmarks, Fallout: New Vegas is the real Entertainment Capital of the World.
GamingTrend gives it an 86/100:
So where do we stand, some 30+ hours into a game that could easily hit the 50 hour mark or more? While there is an incredible wealth of things to discover and enjoy in Fallout: New Vegas, so much of it will depend on the game being stable enough to see it. The gameplay mechanics (factions, crafting, etc.) that Obsidian has brought to the table are welcome additions, but the framerate issues, lockups, and texture oddities are not. The musical atmosphere is near perfect, but the repetition makes it tough to stay immersed. Excellent voice acting saves the day, but broken or lackluster quests find those voice actors underutilized. Companions in pairs and their control mechanics are a welcome improvement, breathing new life into an otherwise very quiet game - it'd be nice if they interrupted more often or chatted amongst themselves. The faction system in New Vegas creates a balancing act as none of them are particularly .ood', and even the '˜bad' guys have a code of ethics they just might not be compatible with yours. This faction reputation system ensures that you have more of a choice in how things unfold on subsequent runs through the game. All in all, if you enjoyed Fallout 3 and can handle the frustration of crashing and texture tearing, Fallout: New Vegas should be in your purchase queue. If you are easily frustrated, let's hope that Obsidian doesn't hit us with Snake Eyes and make us buy the patches with the upcoming DLC!
Digital Spy gives it a 4/5:
Fallout: New Vegas is a game with its target audience clearly in mind. If you didn't enjoy Fallout 3, the latest entry has little chance of winning you over. On the filpside, fans of the series will welcome this new addition with open arms. In many ways, it's a superior offering to its predecessor as the lighter tone makes it easier to take in. It may essentially be the same game deep down, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Whether you're a Fallout fanatic or newcomer to the franchise, New Vegas is a gamble you won't regret.
And Xbox360Achievements gives it a 90/100:
Not really a major leap forward over Fallout 3, but certainly not just more of the same either. The variety of missions and random tasks will keep you entertained for hours and the few new additions serve to provide a welcome distraction in terms of crafting, gambling and reputation management. Jump in, but make sure you come up for air now and again.