Fallout: New Vegas Reviews
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GameSpy gives it a 4.5/5:
Ultimately, whether or not you enjoy Fallout: New Vegas depends on your tolerance for handling bugs. Personally, I didn't find them distracting enough to ruin the experience for me, and a few crashes over the course of 80+ hours felt like a small price to pay for one of my favorite games of the year. Some players will get fed up more quickly than others, just as I'm sure some won't care a whit about glitchy A.I. or weird textures problems. If you can see the forest for the buggy trees, you'll quickly see that Fallout: New Vegas is the pinnacle of the first-person RPG genre.
1UP gives it a "B":
If only it was a stable product and didn't ship with so many bugs, I would've given New Vegas a higher score. As it is, this review reflects the game shortly after launch. Future patches will no doubt fix a number of issues, but these problems shouldn't keep you from trying the game out...eventually. If you do start playing now, you know what to expect, but despite all of the bugs and tech issues, I still loved my experience in New Vegas. I even look forward to booting up the game and playing through from the beginning again someday.
TeamXbox gives it an 8.5/10:
Fallout New Vegas is a compelling package that offers a variety in activities and ways to play. Players will find an interesting story that is crafted around the decisions they have made. It excels at immersion and it could grab even the most reluctant players. There are some minor issues with repeating player models and music but with a game this size they seem small and insignificant. All of the immersion in the world can't stop players from being pulled away by the show stopping bugs. These issues should not detract from those interested in New Vegas from checking it out. New players and Fallout veterans alike will appreciate the long length and amount of lore present.
The A.V. Club gives it an "A-":
The experience is marred by jerky visuals, as the game strains so mightily to render the vistas of the Mojave that the image often grinds to a halt, threatening to freeze up, and sometimes succeeding. Load times are long, and seemingly none of Fallout 3's niggling glitches have been fixed. Still, technical nuisances don't ruin the delight of moseying through New Vegas and sampling the huge variety of depravity and occasional glory that post-nuclear Sin City has to offer.
Game Rant gives it a 4/5:
You're likely to never find a game more maddeningly frustrating as New Vegas in that it offers an incredibly deep and compelling RPG experience, but in a way that will have you repeatedly banging your head against your controller due to the technical glitches. So should you buy Fallout: New Vegas? The bottom line is that if you were a fan of Fallout 3, you will undoubtedly enjoy New Vegas. While the (expansion pack) criticism is not entirely unfair, the story is different enough that you won't mind the similarities to Fallout 3. In fact, you'll probably appreciate that many of the mechanics you loved from the previous game are here. Obsidian and Bethesda Softworks are actively working on patching the title on all platforms, so chances are that most, if not all, of the bugs will be remedied in the near future. If you're prone to frustration and angry tirades, you may want to hold off until then.
Empire Online gives it a 4/5:
But despite its ample charms, New Vegas falls short of the instant classic status so effortlessly achieved by Fallout 3. Like in the previous game, a sense of immersion is constantly shattered by comrades who need babysitting and lack the intelligence to follow you when a barrier gets in their way, gawky animations that are at odds with the imaginative landscapes, and loading times so long you'll wonder if your console has crashed while accessing the next level. And while these issues are only minor annoyances that would be overlooked in many lesser games, they're issues the developers had every opportunity to address as Fallout 3 fans were so vocal about their grudges on online forums, and which now taint an otherwise immaculate quest and make New Vegas feel like an add-on mission pack rather than a completely new game.
GamePro Australia gives it a 4.5/5:
There is so much happening in New Vegas, and despite having just written my fingers off, I've probably forgotten to mention a tonne of things in this review. But it's best to discover them for yourself. Recommendation: Get the damn game!
News10's Game Guys gives it a "B+":
Fallout: New Vegas, though, is a great addition to the Fallout franchise. The game's new wild west setting works well, though it feels a little like it's riding the coattails of Rockstar's blockbuster title Red Dead Redemption. It has its issues, but it's still a good game at heart and should be worth the cost and dozens of hours spent playing it for most gamers.
PlayStation Universe gives it an 8.0/10:
As a follow-up to one of the greatest open world action-RPGs in the past several years, New Vegas tries very hard to be like its big brother, but ultimately falls a bit short. Perhaps Bethesda should have left the game in the oven a bit longer to work out all the kinks and bugs. Still, even if the bugs were not present, the overall main story is just fair, the characters are slightly dull, and visuals feel decidedly dated. On the other hand, there is so much to experience in New Vegas, that it's hard to not recommend to RPG fans. The game will get fixed, eventually, and when it does you'll want to spend the next couple years playing through all the side missions while Bethesda works on a more authentic sequel to Fallout 3.
GameDynamo gives it a 94/100:
Fallout: New Vegas is a wonderful addition to the Fallout family. The refinements and embellishments to Bethesda Softworks' excellent reboot have brought the series once again to the top of the gaming pile!
MSXbox-World gives it an 8/10:
Fallout: New Vegas has few new additions, those of which are certainly welcome, though seemingly there's little to no noticeable improvements to the existing assets. We had hoped for a more polished experience than what Obsidian delivered in that of a new story, though while we may be high on radiation, and can't shake that déjà vu felling, still, for Fallout 3 fans, New Vegas is going to be a must buy for those of us that are left craving for more.
Dual Shockers gives it a 9.0/10:
By this point in the review, I'm sure you can tell what my verdict for Fallout: New Vegas is going to be. Despite the crashing and freezing that I experienced at times, my overall reaction was that this was a solid game. It looked, felt and played well. The massive open-world was great to explore. Fans of the series will love it. Newcomers, you'll dig it too, and you'll be entertained for hours upon end because whatever happens in New Vegas stays in New Vegas.
gamrReview gives it a 7.7/10:
It is disappointing that the long-standing bugs haven't been addressed, but to focus on that alone is to inadequately convey the fundamental problem with Fallout: New Vegas. It would be quite easy to partially excuse the bugs given that the overall experience is very enjoyable, but for the fact that it's so symptomatic of the entire approach taken in New Vegas. It plays and feels the same as Fallout 3, and damn well nearly looks identical; whole swathes of Fallout 3 seem to have been transported into a new release without so much as a touch up. Whilst Fallout: New Vegas does advance the series' gameplay formula a few small steps, and for many its ability to ride so gloriously on the coat tails of Fallout 3 will be enough to make it a game to be coveted, I can't help but say I expected more from such a prestigious series.
All Age Gaming gives it an 8.5/10:
What Obsidian have achieved, is a copy cat effort at best with a few new tricks to keep the old dog kicking. For me though, that's more than enough as it turns out, that war, war never really changes.
Exsturminator gives it an 8/10:
So, in the end I found Fallout: New Vegas to be a fun diversion. I wasn't sucked into the experience the way I was Fallout 3, and I didn't leave with any great lasting memories of my time in the wastes apart from a few gems amidst the grind, but I enjoyed it while it lasted. Obsidian's world is a complex tangle of politics and natural resources, but the paint on these elements is a little flaky. I'd recommend New Vegas to the Fallout junkie and the RPG buff, but casual enthusiasts may be turned off by the presentation and the recycled wasteland environments.
TheGamersHub gives it a 4.5/5:
If you're an RPG fan, then there's no question about jumping back into the radioactive wasteland for another mammoth adventure. If you've never played a Fallout title, get Fallout 3 and New Vegas and prepare to lose a lot of free time!
Aeropause gives it a 4/5:
So what do you say about a game that changes locations, but essentially stays completely the same to its predecessor. Fallout New Vegas is essentially the same game as Fallout 3, but it tells a fantastic story that really keeps you going through every crash and every technical glitch. If Fallout New Vegas had come out with rock solid stability, it would have been an easy 5 out of 5. But with a host of glitches and bugs, Fallout New Vegas misses the mark. Come for the story, but try to ignore the crashes.
And 7 Out of 10 gives it an 8/10:
If you were the person that played Fallout 3 to death, downloaded all the DLC and were still hungry for more; then this latest outing is definitely worth 40 of the queen's finest. But if you're still waiting for the next techonoligal leap, then maybe New Vegas isn't the right stop for you. Don't be fooled by something as trivial as a dated engine though, there's a lot more to this new destruction than dated graphics and spruced up colours. It's just a shame that the frequency and severity of Vegas' technical problems hamper the experience quite so predominantly.