Fallout: New Vegas Reviews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1999
Hooked Gamers gives the Xbox 360 version a 9.5/10 in their second review of the game:
Ultimately, these minor errors do not stop Fallout: New Vegas from being a step up from its predecessor in every single way imaginable. It presents an incredibly gritty and real world full of some of the most interesting and quirky characters I have ever met. I rarely felt like I wanted to select a non-existent conversation option and the game world had me gripped in its talons from the moment I was shot in the head. A real winner.
GameOn doesn't score it:
For fans of the series, this is an easy title to recommend. Admittedly, it is more of the same but the new inclusions certainly warrant a purchase for those that enjoyed the Fallout 3 experience. However, the number of bugs is certainly a limiting factor and one which will hopefully become a lesser issue in the coming months. For casual gamers, the difficulty spikes at the beginning may put some off, but it is worth sticking with the title to tap into the immersive, rich and hugely detailed environment on offer. No one makes games like Obsidian and Bethesda, the experience is definitely there and if you can overlook the problems then Fallout: New Vegas is a rewarding and fulfilling experience.
Go! Gaming Giant gives it an 8/10:
Fallout: New Vegas is a game with a large number of rough edges with its aging engine detracts from the experience, yet it's really fun game to play and you will find yourself spending half your life completing. With the main quest to take an average of 17-20 hours to complete alone. Even if another identical Fallout game is to be released with only a different topping, we wouldn't say no.
zConnection gives it a 94%:
Ultimately, despite the bugs and nuisances which riddle the game, it's a solid role-playing experience and one that you should definitely not miss; there's guns, gambling, challenge and a wealth of in-universe history for the die-hard fans. You really don't want to miss out on what is surely the closest we'll get to role-playing perfection this year.
Brutal Gamer gives it an 8.0/10:
The Mojave Desert and the glamorous Vegas Strip are brilliantly conceived environments. The scripting is both funny and harrowing. Obsidian have expertly handled the source material and nailed their excellently assembled gang based karma system. It is a shame that for every moment of pure brilliance, and for every laugh-out-loud line of dialogue, there is either a flaw or glitch to compensate. The engine feels dated and combat in the later half of the game becomes an endurance test rather than a strategic joy. (War never changes,) so the opening line goes. War needs to change more than ever.
The Gamer's Paradise gives it a 9/10:
Fallout New Vegas isn't a totally new game from Fallout 3, meaning it's not going to reinvent the game. Does it matter? No. It clearly doesn't since I was able to get lost in the game for too many hours making everyday life a hassle. It comes with glitches but when the game is as huge and packs as much entertainment as Fallout New Vegas does it doesn't really matter. I hate however the fact that you have to walk. I hated it in Fallout 3 and I hate it all over again in Fallout New Vegas, give me a car, a motorcycle, a regular bike. SOMETHING! That's the only thing that I keep picking at when it comes to the Fallout games, too much walking since it is a wasteland. But all in all, Fallout New Vegas packs enough entertainment and action for it to look similar but become a totally new Fallout experience. Is it better then Fallout 3? I say it's just as good. How about that?
CTV doesn't score it:
Fallout New Vegas is the kind of sequel you expect, but not the one you hope for. It's a satisfying and rewarding follow-up that continues and grows everything that made the previous one so exceptional, but fails to be just as inspired artistically. It's too bad, because Las Vegas should have been the perfect city to do just that.
And Would You Kindly? gives it a 4/5:
Despite its bugs, it's easily my contender for game of the year. If you're an RPG buff that's new to the series, I'd highly recommended you start with Fallout 3, especially considering that the Game of the Year Edition contains all of the released DLC's which add up to a much longer experience than New Vegas. Obsidian will be releasing the first downloadable add-on for New Vegas this holiday, with a timed exclusivity arrangement on Xbox LIVE.