Fallout: New Vegas Reviews
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First, IGN shares their favorite memories:
By the time I finally found the town of Nelson, a small desert outpost near the Colorado River, I was ready to kill. I'd been traveling with Boone, a hard-eyed ex-New California Republic sniper who I'd helped out in a nearby town. His wife had been captured by Caesar's Legion, enslaved and eventually killed. He was angry, and he wanted revenge. His haunted mood was infectious, and I soon found myself hungry for Legion blood on his behalf. So when I realized Nelson was occupied by the Legion, I locked, loaded, and popped some Psycho (yeah, I have a problem).
By the time the shooting was over, a host of Legion soldiers were dead, my Psycho had worn off, and Boone was feeling a bit better. We cut down some crucified NCR captives and watched them run for the hills. Not even a thank-you? The Mojave Wasteland is a brutal place. But that's what's so great about Fallout: New Vegas. Somehow, it's even darker, lonelier and more unforgiving than Fallout 3.
Crispy Gamer doesn't score it:
I heartily recommend buying the PC version as the modding community is vast, and many of the thousands of mods available for Fallout 3 also work for Fallout: NV. The Fallout: NV version of the GECK was released at launch, and the biggest modding site, FalloutNewVegasNexus, already has a few hundred mods up at this time. If you have to choose between PS3 and X-Box 360, it gets a bit tricky. I don't trust 360's, what with that whole 30% of units bricking on us thing, but from the looks of it PS3 owners are probably going to get screwed on DLC just like they did with Fallout 3. Either way, for Fallout: New Vegas, my recommendation is to Buy It. Now if you'll excuse me, it's only 3am and I haven't finished exploring the New Vegas sewers.
411mania gives it an 8.3/10:
It felt great to go back to the Wasteland and explore, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I'd been here before. I did like the location of the game more, but that's also because I like Las Vegas. I still found myself exploring a lot and had a great time, but players looking for something new in the Fallout universe won't find it here. This is a must have for Fallout 3 fans that were looking for more of the same thing, but this won't change the mind of people who didn't like the last game.
Nyleveia gives it an 8.8/10:
Fallout: New Vegas can take some warming up to, but when that's done you're in for an involving story where every decision plays a part in shaping your future course. There's tons to do and see, with no shortage of interesting characters to interact with and aid or sabotage. It's a great game when it's not being buggy or crashing your system, and it's certainly involving enough to keep you playing despite these flaws. Simply put, this game is what you make of it.
DailyRecord gives it a 4/5:
With a brutal hardcore mode and scores of things to see and do, Fallout: New Vegas is definitely value for money. It never strays too far from its predecessor, but as millions of Fallout fans will tell you, that's no bad thing. A game that will keep you occupied well into next year.
Gamedot gives it an 8/10:
Despite all the fun you can have in New Vegas, there are still things that will ruin things for you slightly. If you've heard anything about New Vegas, you've more than likely heard about the bugs that are in it. Some aren't too bad, but others can cause your save game to corrupt, and problems such as a message that DLC isn't available yet, stopping you from continuing your game. These glitches and bugs are terrible when they happen, but don't let them discourage you from playing one of the best games released this year, as it's a genuinely enjoyable experience. Just be sure to save a lot.
And Brash Games gives it an 8/10, though they're not inclined to let anyone grab a snippet.