Din's Curse v1.014 Beta Patch Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1738
'¢ removed gray from Padded Cowl icon (FloodSpectre)
'¢ removed gray from Linen Leggings icon (FloodSpectre)
'¢ the rogue's precision skill now increases critical hit and deep wounds chances (Manumitted)
'¢ fixed some npc dialog when another npc was killed by an npc (DemonWar) (GreatStalin/Aet)
'¢ slightly reworded Black Market Vendor's intro dialog (Manumitted)
'¢ increased blackmarket vendor magic chance and reputation penalty (Manumitted)
'¢ improved various ground textures in the dungeons
'¢ improved various wall/cave textures
'¢ fixed a missing magic modifier on Imp Slayer
'¢ fixed a secret in ScowlingDenDW (DemonWar)
'¢ increased MaxItemGenerationTries for level item quest from 10 to 100 (Bomphav)
'¢ fixed magma trap damage (and similar issues with traps adding a status effect) (Manumitted)
'¢ now start at a random time of day
'¢ skulls no longer fade out for in the way purposes
'¢ widened select character ui to make it fit character options better
'¢ fixed a text overlap issue on world map (jeremyosborne)
'¢ fixed Breach spelling (DemonWar) (Magitek)
'¢ improved a few textures
'¢ changed license string text a little to be more clear which key it is talking about (expansion or main game)
'¢ fixed a family heirloom quest spelling issue (Magitek)
'¢ made vortar solider/raider selection size more reasonable (DemonWar) (Magitek)
'¢ increased time of wards and circles slightly to make them not blink on and off (DemonWar) (Magitek)
'¢ decreased traitor poisoned supply, plague, and curses a little (DemonWar) (Steve)
'¢ decreased lost shipment chances a little (DemonWar) (Steve)
'¢ now display prints above npcs a bit longer (DemonWar) (Magitek)
'¢ fixed QuestTextMonsterQuestItemRitual issue (DemonWar) (Caal)
'¢ fixed a couple typos with ritual quest (DemonWar)
'¢ fixed a way that quests weren't failed if npc died (Aet)
'¢ fixed town attack plural/posessive issue (FloodSpectre)
'¢ changed Teleport stone found to Teleport stone materials located (DemonWar) (FloodSpectre)
'¢ added some explanation to the new machine world modifiers (DemonWar) (FloodSpectre)
'¢ fixed Rowdy description (DemonWar) (Nobear)
'¢ improved supply poisoned and curse quest text some (FloodSpectre)
'¢ added new sound for new chat message (Magitek)
'¢ made exploding barrel explosion effect match damage radius (Bluddy)
'¢ increased block reuse time from 2.0 to 6.0 to balance a little
'¢ changed Tover's Bracers to better match level of the rest of the set (Ghost Matter)
'¢ fixed yellow wall alignment in a few towns
'¢ fixed turned off damage numbers to include misses and critical type prints also
'¢ fixed talk to part of recover body quest (DemonWar) (Nobear)
'¢ made finding a valid location for monsters a little more sure
'¢ made entity purging smarter if the first try fails
'¢ now when gating to town and a gate is blocked, you will teleport as far up as possible (DemonWar)
'¢ on group split apart message, no longer tell you monster type
'¢ fixed truce message localization (Ghost Matter)
'¢ added a little more room to win screen so less likely to need to scroll (Bomphav)
'¢ made skill tabs a bit bigger to fit longer specialty names better (Bomphav)
'¢ aligned stack size a bit better
'¢ now chat messages are green (Nobear)
'¢ now get a more informative message if a player kills an npc
'¢ can no longer kill inanimate objects to get extra level cleared bonuses (Hirato)
'¢ fixed lightning ward effect/name (DemonWar) (Magitek)
'¢ improved cross caverns and savage lair graphics
'¢ mods interact with expansion better now (they don't accidently shift the database loading order) (DemonWar)
'¢ changed network protocol number to 13
'¢ fixed scroll bar on multiplayer select character screen
'¢ fixed rylor bomb damage (DemonWar) (Steve)
'¢ added a Low Stress world setup option
'¢ fixed normal pace modifier showing up as blank line on world map (DemonWar)
'¢ now show hunger when you highlight starving status effect icon (DemonWar) (Archon)
'¢ made referencing database by index a bit safer
'¢ fixed how world day was being sent across network
'¢ fixed Earth Mastery not increasing Nature Revenge's damage (CaparroZ)
'¢ moved skill level numbers a bit to fit better
'¢ Brood & Scarabus can no longer kidnap people (Shavastak)
'¢ fixed rupture armor proc magic modifiers not showing up and not being on hit
'¢ renamed Malice the torva to Bile, was 2 monsters names Malice
'¢ two handed mastery now applies to maces and staves (DemonWar)
'¢ fixed backup translations for a non-English language mod with expansion (DemonWar) (DetlevH)
'¢ now print a Don't meet requirements message when using a too high item (SimonDark)
'¢ changed acid weapon effect (DemonWar) (icecube)
'¢ ward effects toned down a bit to block view less (DemonWar)
'¢ vendors can no longer starve to death (DemonWar) (Aet)
'¢ npcs can now officially wear leather armor (DemonWar) (FloodSpectre)
'¢ pit traps no longer work in town (FloodSpectre)
'¢ added another hint to evidence quests (DemonWar) (Ghost Matter)
'¢ now 100 wave invasion's waves get quicker each time (total time less than 2 1/2 hours now) (DemonWar) (Nobear)