Din's Curse v1.015 Beta Patch Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1669
'¢ can no longer play too many barrel break sounds at once (dhex)
'¢ now quest npcs that die effect happiness and relationships (DemonWar) (udm)
'¢ now print Doesn't meet requirements when pet can't use item (Ghost Matter)
'¢ skeleton archer pets will now use health/lifestones (Ghost Matter)
'¢ fixed if full inventory and use 1 empty vial, object no longer ends up on ground (DemonWar) (Tori)
'¢ reworded cursed slow proc to be more clear (jeremyosborne)
'¢ no longer lose name in cure quests (icecube)
'¢ reworded fire strike description to be more clear what damage is based on and what type of damage (DemonWar) (FloodSpectre)
'¢ fire mastery now enhances fire strike (DemonWar) (FloodSpectre)
'¢ fire mastery now enhances inferno (DemonWar) (FloodSpectre)
'¢ now show time limit for fire elemental and wards (DeathKnight1728)
'¢ fixed escape picking leave option on confirm leave screen (Sinister Stairs)
'¢ linked ward skills (DemonWar)
'¢ any players with skill points in linked wards will get skill point/money refunds automatically (DemonWar)
'¢ made chat sound louder
'¢ now can only get level cleared once per dungeon level (pnakotus)
'¢ added a separator to make drop down boxes a little more clear (Amberjoy)
'¢ now invasion position changes each wave (DemonWar) (Nobear)
'¢ fixed Building Something quest for expansion (DemonWar)
'¢ now when a unique monster quest is failed, the monster is removed
'¢ fixed a missing unique monster when a unique monster leaves and there is a revenge type quest (Ghost Matter)
'¢ now building something quest only builds 1 thing if you fail
'¢ fixed an issue with trying to add a new apothecary/steward when no space for them (Sinister Stairs)
'¢ reputation gain prints are now green, while losses are red
'¢ now print better leave town message if banished (DemonWar) (Ghost Matter)
'¢ made gambler quest a little harder (Nobear)
'¢ decreased Possession reuse time from 120 to 60 seconds (DemonWar)
'¢ world is now paused on set up world screen (Sinister Stairs)
'¢ fixed poison ward attack speed effect not working correctly (DemonWar) (DeathKnight1728)
'¢ fixed ward effects not leveling up correctly (DemonWar)
'¢ now lightning wards also add critical hit bonus (DemonWar) (DeathKnight1728)
'¢ fixed saurian mage lightning sometimes not casting (jeremyosborne)
'¢ rewrote debt, mining, and starving quests to be first person (DemonWar) (FloodSpectre)
'¢ reworded evidence quests slightly (DemonWar)
'¢ xp and reputation prints now use commas when large
'¢ can now double click on quests to accept them
'¢ can now hold down button to keep attacking things like barrels when clicking on their label
'¢ fixed special rooms spawning more than once
'¢ fixed a town lost message (Julie)
'¢ adjusted player name box to fit longer names
'¢ improved a couple more ground textures
'¢ changed the wall outside geometry in 6 town levels to look more appropriate
'¢ adjusted the buttons a bit on the main menu screen to look better with new demon added (DemonWar)
'¢ reworked powerup icon textures (DemonWar)
'¢ fixed a couple set up (instead of setup) issues (Roswitha/Valgor)
'¢ fixed a recharged teleport stone not saving correctly (DemonWar) (Roswitha)
'¢ can no longer fill multiple vials from one pool when pausing (DemonWar) (Roswitha)
'¢ now show all levels in set up world screen, but unavailable are greyed out and explain why (Steve)
'¢ radically changed the armor formula for how much damage is absorbed
'¢ radically changed the resistance formula for how much damage is absorbed
'¢ fixed ResistanceBonusDesc stuff (DemonWar) (Caal)
'¢ increased wampir blood damage from 1.5/1.0 to 6.0/1.5 (DemonWar) (Alstein/James Johnson)
'¢ replaced DC logo with DW logo on other menus (DemonWar) (Steve)
'¢ now mention stack size on Demonic Roar, Blood Sacrifice, and Spirit Strike (DemonWar) (Shadowy Figure)
'¢ decreased shield sweeps initial damage penalty from -1.0 to -0.6 (DemonWar) (Alstein)
'¢ decreased monster ResistancePerLevel from 3.0 to 1.0
'¢ decreased monster resistance mult in higher difficulties
'¢ at least for now turned off abandon penalty in non-hardcore
'¢ fixed another issue with BuildingSomething quest override (DemonWar)