Guild Wars 2 Q&A

Another Guild Wars 2 Q&A focusing on the recently announced Guardian profession has surfaced on the 'net, and this time it's lead systems designer Isaiah Cartwright answering the questions for Ten Ton Hammer.
TTH: How viable would you say the Guardian will be when playing solo? The unique profession skills will clearly give them high survivability, but they also seem like they'll shine even more so in group situations.

Izzy: Guardians are just as good solo as they are in a group. Their virtues, which can be used on a group, can also be used to double-up on an effect, allowing you to get two blocks in a row. Effects like back-to-back triggers of burning or a longer powerful regeneration can be really effective while playing solo. The world of Guild Wars 2 is a living, breathing world where you often find yourself fighting alongside not just players but NPCs as well. The guardian's virtues are excellent at supporting anyone in a fight so even when soloing they are incredibly useful. A guardian can also slot weapon skills, and use Virtue of Justice to boost the damage of the summoned weapons. All these things combined make the guardian just as formidable solo as in a group.

TTH: As more of a hybrid between a melee combatant and a magic using profession, what types of armors will Guardians typically use? Are they strictly a heavy armor profession, or can they benefit from other armor types as well?

Izzy: The guardian is a Soldier type and is restricted to heavy armor.