Class3 and Class4 Q&As
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1809
In Class3, your very life is a commodity that you have to risk to collect these resources. So, what happens when one of your risks doesn't exactly pay off, resulting in the wholesale digestion of your delicious, delicious brain? "If you're going to make a world where survival is your key goal, then death has to matter," Strain explained. "We have some strong thoughts as to how we can accomplish that -- our designers will be talking about that on our website over the next couple of months. The short answer is yes, there will be some notion of sacrifice, some notion of death being meaningful in the game, and we'll talk about details at a later time." What's the win scenario in a game where surviving in the face of insurmountable odds is the day-to-day objective? Strain wouldn't say, but stressed that exploring the root cause of the zombie outbreak would be a core focus for the player in Class3.
Additionally, there's a two-part Q&A on the official Undead Labs website that covers art style and design...
Dan asks in an article comment: (Will [Class3] be an open sandbox landscape like Fallout 3? Or will it be more of a linear path of cooperative play from safe haven to safe haven a la Left 4 Dead?)
Class3 plays like a sandbox game. We don't lock you into an area and tell you where to go and what to do. When we use the term (open world game) we are talking about freedom of decision making and goal setting. We're talking about NOT being strictly channeled through the world or being forced down a linear path. There will be Big Things going on in the world even an unfolding story but it will always be up to you to choose what you want to do and when and how you want to do it.
...and what's to come in Class4:
MNM1245 asks in an article comment: (I'm kind of confused about the (Class3'³ and (Class4'³ thing. Does Class4 just add online support? Will we have to purchase Class4 to get the online portion even if we already bought Class3?)
Class4 will do a lot more than just add online support to Class3. It's best to think of it as a sequel.
Class3 is our smaller scale, open-world XBLA (Xbox Live Arcade) game that will allow 1-2 people to play together online though Xbox Live or together on the same screen. This game will come out first.
Class4 is our large scale, full online world game that will allow thousands of players to run around simultaneously in a much larger server-hosted world. It will have more weapons, vehicles and zombie types. In addition to vastly greater scope, Class4 will revise and expand any number of game systems like weather, vehicle customization, player-to-player trade, and technology research. It will have types of content specifically designed for having a vast number of players online at the same time. This game will come out after Class3.