Dragon Age II Rogue Class Profiled, Razer Product Promotion
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A rogue fights with precision. Whether unleashing a torrent of arrows at range, or landing cut after devastating cut up close, these deadly combatants focus on a single target and dismantle it with deadly efficiency.
As an archer, a rogue's mobility is his or her greatest asset. Able to leap clear of combat with ease, the rogue can easily evade single pursuers. Foes hoping to close will often find themselves pinned in place by an expertly placed arrow through the leg. Should the situation grow more dire, careful distraction and well practiced evasion techniques let the rogue sneak clear of groups, letting foes turn their attentions to the heavily armored warriors.
Armed with dual daggers, a rogue focuses more on positioning, and teaming up with warriors and mages to deal out maximum damage while enemies are either distracted or disabled. Acrobatic strikes lacerate foes, often leaving them bleeding out and steadily weakening, while the rogue smoothly slips behind for a devastating backstab.
Rogues focus on dexterity and cunning, a combination that trades power for precision. Critical hits are the bread and butter of the rogue, and they have many abilities that can increase the odds of landing one. These attributes also lead to a solid defense, making the rogue a difficult opponent to hit, which is critical for a class that typically lacks the strength to wear heavier armors.
Rogue Specializations:
Assassin: Anyone can kill for money, but those who follow the Antivan traditions know how to do so with style. While every assassin is different, some favoring up close and personal kills and others striking at range, they are all deadly predators and skilled at exploiting their foe's weaknesses. There are a surprisingly large number of assassins at work in Kirkwall, though most are away on contract at any given time.
Duelist: Duelists specialize in calling out single opponents and eliminating them, quickly. While the art of dueling is less popular in Kirkwall than the more-refined cities of Orlais, there are still plenty of trainers who can teach rogues they deem sufficiently quick of wit. The rogue's preferred weapon, be it blade or bow, has little consequence on this tree. A distracted and enraged foe is an easy target at any range.
Shadow: Shadow rogues employ misdirection and an unassuming façade to waylay their opponents with devastating attacks. As a smuggling hub, Kirkwall has more than a few practitioners of these techniques who will pass down their secrets to those they deem sufficiently skilled.