Mass Effect 2 Arrival DLC Reviews
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AtomicGamer gives it a 6/10:
As a way to get us excited for Mass Effect 3, there are some moments in "Arrival" that really work, but for the most part, the hour-plus that you'll get out of this will be decent at best. Simply put, it won't be nearly at the standard set by the original game or even the "Overlord" or the fantastic "Lair of the Shadow Broker" DLC addons. Unless you're going for a serious completionist run for your Shepard leading into the third game, I can't recommend you drop the ten bucks for this add-on. I don't think that this DLC's partial failure is necessarily a bad sign for the third game, but it seems clear that all the new ideas and original content are going into ME3 rather than something like "Arrival".
Game Rant gives it a 4/5:
However, as much as it is an enjoyable mission, it could have been just a bit longer and had more ties to Mass Effect 3 especially considering that it is the last DLC for Mass Effect 2. Though it doesn't quite achieve the wonder first inspired by the original Mass Effect, Arrival is still a great piece of work, and highly recommended for fans of the series.
Cheat Code Central gives it a 4.0/5:
The seven-dollar price may be hard to justify based solely on time spent and substance outside of the story, but if you have been a Mass Effect fan this long and can't wait till the "final" installment, there's no reason you should not already have this downloadable content.
The Paranoid Gamer gives it a 7.5/10:
It was also ridiculously easy for my adept to complete. Time spent on the DLC content. One hour and seven minutes to complete the mission. I almost threw up in my mouth after paying for this. The one saving grace out of this experience? The possible lead in to Mass Effect 3. If you'll allow me a bit of speculation here. The rumors have been flowing on the net that Mass Effect 3 happens on earth. If that is the case, the setup for that situation has been put out by Bioware in this download. Without giving too much away from the story, Shepard is in big trouble after this mission. If sacrificing the Earth Alliance fleet wasn't bad enough in Mass Effect 1, this will surely get the attention of the Alliance Government. That court martial is looking more and more likely Commander Shepard. Time for you to clean up your act!
GameDwellers gives it a 4/5:
What (Arrival) lacks in length, it makes up for in story content. What happens in this DLC is important. I'm sure there are already theories on message boards about the ramifications of the DLC. If you play Mass Effect for the story and let's be honest, who plays Mass Effect just for the gameplay? then (Arrival) is a must play.
The Newb Review gives it a 4/5:
Arrival is (really) the final expansion for Mass Effect 2, and the game goes out in the same way it began, with a bang, setting the stage for one of this years' biggest releases, Mass Effect 3.
Gameolio gives it a 6/10:
While Arrival did have some genuinely good moments in it, I felt a little short changed at its conclusion. There is a plot, and yes it does explain a couple things relevant to Mass Effect 3, but not in the scope I imagined it to be. The ending of Mass Effect 2 gave me all the information I really needed, this felt more or less supplementary to that. At 560 MS points I would say it better to catch this when it is a deal of the week. If your totally fanatical about Mass Effect 2 I would imagine you'd have already bought the DLC by now -- what did you think about it?
And TheGamerBuzz gives it an 8/10:
If you're looking for a short and fun Mass Effect 2 fix, then this DLC is for you. It builds some anticipation for the upcoming mega-blockbuster Mass Effect 3, and gives us some new Batarians to kill. Also, at 560 MS Points (approx. $8), it's one of the more affordable DLC options out there.