Din's Curse Review
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1690
That secret addictive ingredient is ever present in Din's Curse. You may find the level design to be slightly monotonous at times, but the character leveling and anticipation of finding those rare and unique items makes the simplistic level design irrelevant. The levels will mainly have you scouring the underground of towns and while it would have been nice to see some outdoor levels, each town does bring enough variation to keep you glued to the game. Smashing through the hordes of enemies with the huge amount of spells and abilities is great fun and very reminiscent of the days of Diablo II.
There appears to be a huge number of items available, from your common, rare, to the unique, and also set items. The skill tree requires leveling to obtain skill points, and also at the same time currency to purchase, but this is no problem as the game is littered with items which are easy to sell. To break up the dungeon exploring, every so often your town will be attacked and requires you to save NPC's and if you don't then consequences such as traps being set up in the town will be served as your punishment. Din's Curse is incredibly entertaining and it's hard to find flaws in the gameplay, but if one must then these would be trivial and minor. Once such minor flaw is the convenience of having items that do not require any scrolls to identify, or chests not requiring a lock picking skill, while it theory this sounds great the game has time bars when performing these actions which feel irrelevant and more of a burden.