Companions Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1787
(Companions) Fantasy-Themed RPG On Apple iPad® Now Available On The App Store!
Dungeon-Crawler Currently Featured As (New & Noteworthy) By Apple
Independent German-based developer Smuttlewerk Interactive is proud to announce the release of (Companions), exclusively made available for the Apple iPad®, and now available on the App Store globally.
(Companions) is a fantasy-themed RPG taking place in the immersive world of (Altland) where your party of four heroes set out to fight the evil god Detexx and his minions. Altland is a fantasy world where the old races of Dwarfs and Elves live in harmony with the younger races of Humans and Minotaur's. At your disposal in your party you have a Minotaur, a Dwarf, an Elf Maiden and a Human Mage, and every character has different and unique skills and abilities. For example, the Dwarf is best utilized in building structures such as scythe towers or spike pits, while the Minotaur character is better suited for hand-to-hand combat.
(Companions) begins after 300 years of peace between the races. The dark god Detexx and his evil minions are hard at work trying to cause an all-out war in the otherwise peaceful lands of Altland. Your companions begin their adventure in the catacombs of Mentzel and will quickly become acquainted with the evil doings of the high-priest of Detexx, who solved riddles that unveiled the secrets needed to unleash the (Hordes of Nether) into the world. Pursued by the undead and cultists your party of four have to learn to trust each other in order to survive, and you will need strategy, stamina, strength and clever use of each character to fight off the constant attacks of the undead and demons. Are you brave and strong enough to restore peace to the lands of Altland once more?
(Companions) feature list:
10+ hour Campaign mode Tactical Pause (20 or 60 seconds)
Unique and intriguing story Philosophical pest zombies
4 races, each with 3 classes Massive oversized dragon
40+ skills to learn 3 difficulty settings
100+ items to collect & 30+ unique GameCenter Support
41 Achievements OpenFeint Integration
3 maps featuring leader-boards Available in English & German
(Companions) is available exclusively for the Apple iPad® on the App Store:
About Smuttlewerk Interactive
Smuttlewerk Interactive consists of Martin Giaco and Ralph Kunz: two long time friends who decided to put their skills and their love of games to use. Apart from developing original intellectual property games, the duo play music together in a hardcore-band called Hostile HodgePodge! The name (Smuttlewerk) is a fantasy term Ralph created for their drummer - they nicknamed him a (smuttlewerker), and they liked the name to such an extent that they decided to use the name for their joint business ventures!