Wizardry Online Preview

There's not exactly a lot of info available on Gamepot's Wizardry Online, but luckily for us, MMO Site has translated another preview piece from Japanese videogame website 4Gamer, this time giving us a presumably incomplete overview of the skill trees for the game's four classes. Here's a snippet:


- Weaken your enemy and turn the situation favorable to yourself.

- Have many AOE sub-skills to get your enemy into abnormality or reduce their defense.

- Enhancing this skill is one way to deal with trappers.


- Have massive power under specific conditions

- Have a number of sub-skills to attack your enemy from the side or back and deal the same or higher damage than warriors.

- You are required to master high techniques, for you need to observe the enemy's actions frequently.

- In comparison of solo battle, group battle can better reflect the true value of this skill.
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