Fallout: New Vegas Old World Blues DLC Reviews
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AtomicGamer, 9/10.
For someone like me who plays these RPGs as a pretty serious completionist, eight or more hours can be squeezed out of Old World Blues in exploring, looting, completing quests, and killing. And while the previous add-on, Honest Hearts, couldn't have been more different in its look and atmosphere, many of the best parts of that DLC are also represented here - the history, the interesting characters, and fun choices make this at least as good as Obsidian's previous DLC pack. You might even prefer the more traditional Fallout-like setting here over the more nature-oriented Honest Hearts. Admittedly, you'll also still be stuck with that sort of wonky-feeling combat that we've all gotten used to in the Gamebryo engine, but Obsidian can't do much about that at this point. Despite the limitations, this is probably the best DLC addon for Fallout period.
Bethesda has announced one final DLC add-on for New Vegas that will complete the Courier's story, and that'll be it. Let's hope that the success of the game overall - even if it was never a big runaway hit - prompts Bethesda to bring Obsidian back to work on future installment of Fallout in a few years, hopefully on a new game engine. id Tech 5 seems like a pretty good fit, don't you think?
GameSpy, 4.5/5.
A handful of bugs chew their way into this immersive experience, including an all-too-frequent fast-travel crash that makes you completely reload the game... but it's still not enough to derail the DLC juggernaut that is Old World Blues. With more than 13 hours' worth of fun, hilarious, and classic Fallout content, Fallout: new Vegas -- Old World Blues is a must for any New Vegas owner.
Metro, 8/10.
That said, the best laughs come from the personality-filled appliances you find in an unusually intact apartment. From talking light switches to a surprisingly useful toaster, the Douglas Adams -esque humour is good enough that it actually makes the previous Fallout games and downloads seem considerably less interesting by comparison.
We're not sure that was necessarily the intention but if the next download (called Lonesome Road) can keep this up then Bethesda should finally have made up for all that terrible business with the horse armour.
Capsule Computers, 9/10.
Old World Blues may be the third piece of downloadable content for Fallout: New Vegas but it is by far the strongest of the bunch. There isn't a whole lot changed from your standard gameplay formula but the amount of content added is certainly worth the price of admission. Simply running through the story alone will take the average player around six hours, but with many areas to explore it would be a waste to simply blow through the quirky and enjoyable world that has been hidden away in Big MT.
The Game Effect, 9.5/10.
Old World Blues is undoubtedly New Vegas' best and most ambitious DLC yet. Along with the update that made noticeable changes to the games performance, the unique and entertaining story that lies within Big Mountain sets the bar high for future Fallout installments.
MTV Multiplayer, scoreless.
It's remarkable how much additional work was put into "Old World Blues." Every facet of the DLC bleeds quality and cleverness, from the voice acting to the quests to the exploration. If you're a fan of "Fallout" and have $10 to spend, there's no reason you shouldn't be spending it on "Old World Blues."