Fallout: New Vegas Old World Blues DLC Reviews
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Thunderbolt Games, 10/10.
If it's not been made clear already, Old World Blues is essential, easily worth both the time and monetary investment not only to your own gameplay experience but also to that of your character. Besides the raised level cap, new traits, arsenal and items, once completed, the Big MT can be revisited at will. And unlike other DLC, this is one you'll actually want to revisit again and again.
GameRevolution, B-.
Obsidian's writing makes a clear tie to this DLC with the previous Dead Money and Honest Hearts content packs, leading you into the apparent final piece of content. Sadly, everything's bogged down by long, drawn-out conversation strings that albeit funny, just slow the pacing to a crawl. At times it feels like the writers wanted to convey a bit too much info, especially in the very beginning of this download pack, when you get about ten minutes of dialogue and no action in between.
That said, Old World Blues is one of the best written DLCs for a Fallout game ever. It plays a strong part in the post-New Vegas story that the DLC packs are building, With that said, it's also one of the worst paced, with some of the most boring fetch quests you're likely to find in any Fallout game. It feels like an excuse to deliver excellent dialogue and humor, but with very few instances of quality content to actually play through.
411mania, 8.0/10.
I found the commentary and the banter in the game to be great and entertaining to listen to. However, if glitches and freezing have bugged you in the past about the game, don't bother expecting anything new here. For owners of New Vegas, this is definitely the best content so far to check out, if only for the new items, areas and commentary to hear.
ShopToNews, 5/6.
A no brainer (sorry) for Fallout New Vegas fans, this DLC keeps the essence of the main game with plenty of action and humour. Old World Blues will certainly keep you hooked all the way through the new area it provides, making it easily the best of the current DLC available for the game.
GameOn, 9/10.
This is easily the best expansion for Fallout: New Vegas and one of the most enjoyable in the whole series to date. It is great value for money, has a clever and entertaining plot and plenty to occupy you. The new content is satisfying, powerful and the locations fun to explore and well designed. Old World Blues is exactly what a Fallout expansion should be: immersive, post-apocalyptic and full of laser-firing robotic scorpions. There's no higher recommendation than that.
OXCGN, 9/10.
Fallout: New Vegas: Old World Blues has honestly surprised me. I expected yet another iteration of sub-par DLC that lasted around thirty minutes.
Instead, presented is a full-blown AAA piece of content that stirred my imagination, enveloped me into its strange storyline, and lasted me upwards of six hours (and that wasn't even scratching the surface of exploration and participating in all of the sidequests).
Old World Blues is a piece of content you shouldn't miss, and the $10USD price tag is an absolute steal.
What are you waiting for? Return to the Mojave and get sucked into the Wasteland yet again.
Shifted2U, 5/5.
The story keeps the game moving right along with your ultimate goal of stealing your brain and stopping the evil scientist in the process. Just remember, nothing is as it seems and you will have to make some decisions by the end that might keep you thinking about the end results before deciding and you might just get a glimpse as to how things will end in the last dlc for this game, Lonesome Road.
Overall, if you own Fallout: New Vegas, this add-on is a must have. Not only will it breathe life into the game, you get tons of enjoyment from the comedic undertone laid throughout it.