Fallout: New Vegas Old World Blues DLC Reviews
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Blistered Thumbs, 8/10.
The only fault that the gameplay has is that the experience seems to be tailored to a specific skill set. Granted, if you're playing at a really high level (my playthrough saw me hit levels forty through forty three) you'll have quite a bit of skills in every area, but for lower levels it won't be the same. Specifically, it feels necessary to be good at stealth, and it's nearly a necessity to be skilled in medicine, science, energy weapons, and speech. Now, I'm not saying that you can't complete it without said skills, but you will have a much harder time of it. This also won't be an easy task for people who play in Hardcore mode either, considering the shortage of food and places to rest in the Big Empty. You will be given a central headquarters, but sometimes you just don't want to go traipsing back every time you need a nap or have a boo-boo.
Despite the two gripes that I have with the DLC, Old World Blues has quite a bit to love. There's lots to explore, lots to blow up, and quite a bit to discover. Quite frankly, I think that it will serve as a solid way to spend time before the story of the Courier ends while meeting Ulysses at the Divide. It's by no means the deepest experience that you will find in the wastes, but it's easily the most comedic. Most people should get a kick out of this little slice of downloadable pie, so I say pick this one up once you can spare the cash.
Push Square, 4/4.
Its ironic that the most likable of casts in New Vegas should be without any living beings at all, but great voice acting and writing help to sell the DLC's witty and surreal universe. It's chunky too, with a massive area to explore and a good eight or so hours of content on offer. Of course, it's subject to New Vegas' very own kinks yes, the game locked up on us once and the engine still looks abysmal compared to recent standards but at least the Old World Blues has the personality that previous Fallout expansion packs have lacked. If you're still looking to get more out of New Vegas, this is certainly your best option.
Thunderbolt awards the PS3 version of the add-on an 8/10, 2 points less than the score of their Xbox 360 review.
Above all, Old World Blues is certainly a huge step up from Honest Hearts. Although its narrative barely holds a candle to Dead Money's, the escapade at Big Mt. should be regarded as the former's significant other; bringing complete closure to the Sierra Madre experience and vice versa. The journey most certainly has its challenges, but the rewards more than compensate for the time spent enduring another one of the Old World's forgotten nightmares. No doubt, this is one venture that any Mojave traveler shouldn't go without. Let's give it up for Science!
Nave 360, 8.0/10.
Old World Blues is by far the strongest expansion for Fallout New Vegas yet and will delight the regular wastelander with everything on offer. Some of the quests are weak, but the terrific voice acting and range of characters make the DLC stand out from the crowd.
And finally, RPGFan awards the DLC its "Editor's Choice Award".
Aside from an uneven difficulty, Old World Blues is an absolutely golden experience. If you own Fallout: New Vegas, go buy this piece of DLC. It's a fantastic romp for science fiction fans and I enjoyed every second of it. Despite all of its humor and wackiness, however, it still has an ability to be serious and emotional when it needs to be. It looks like Obsidian and Bethesda have figured out exactly what a piece of DLC needs to be and it's going to be very tough to top this one.