Dragon Age II Item Pack #2 Released

As announced a few days back, a second item pack has been released for Dragon Age II. Just like the first pack, it contains items for warriors, rogues and mages, and the pricing is $4.99/400 BioWare/Microsoft points for the whole pack or $2.99/240 BioWare/Microsoft points for the individual class updates.
Mage Pack: Receive relics and mementos of untold power for use by your Mage and Mage followers. Features:

'¢ A powerful staff that improves as you level up.
'¢ Two all new armor sets for high and low level players.
'¢ Three follower items for Anders, Bethany, and Merril that improve as they level up.

Rogue Pack: Become a dealer of death with new equipment for your Rogue and unique items for Rogue followers. Features:

'¢ A set of deadly daggers and an enchanted bow, both which improve as you level up.
'¢ Two all new armor sets for high and low level players.
'¢ Three follower items for Isabella, Sebastian, and Varric that improve as they level up.

Warrior Pack: Lay waste to your enemies with this collection of arms, armor and accessories for your Warrior and Warrior followers. Features:

'¢ Two deadly two-handed swords for high and low level players.
'¢ A lethal one-handed axe and shield combo that improves as you level up.
'¢ Two all new armor sets for high and low level players.
'¢ Three follower items for Aveline, Carver, and Fenris that improve as they level up.
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