Fallout: New Vegas Gun Runners' Arsenal DLC Specifics, Part One
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Mad Bomber (Perk) - Specialized training is now available for wastelanders with a talent for Repair and a love of Explosives. Learn how to get the most of your Powder Charges, Bottlecap Mines, and Time Bombs! Love Mini-Nukes but hate carrying around a Fat Man? Slap on a Sensor Module and make a Fat Mine! Want to find another use for those heavy Microfusion Cells? With a bit of Scrap Electronics and some know-how, you'll be hurling MFC Grenades and MFC Clusters in no time! Crafting humble Tin Grenades and even devastating Nuka-Grenades are a snap with this handy perk.
Optimized Small Energy Cell, Micro Fusion Cell, Electron Charge Pack, and Flamer Fuel - Though we specialize in guns, we're more than aware of the common complaints about energy weapons: )My Laser Pistol doesn't pack enough of a punch!) (The ammo's too heavy!) (Max Charge ammo eats through my Tesla Cannon like a Glowing Ghoul at a Radroach buffet.) The Gun Runners don't have the cure, but if you've got the talent, scientist, heal thyself. Optimized Energy Weapon ammo: 30% more damage, superior armor penetration, and they even weigh less. The only drawback is a slight increase in weapon degradation. Requires Vigilant Recycler.
Sprtel-Wood 9700, The Smitty Special - If you forced the Gun Runners to use an Energy Weapon, we'd pick an automatic every time. We've got a line on two ultra-high-end unique models for our more well-to-do clients. The Sprtel-Wood 9700 (above) is a devastating high-speed Gatling Laser. It has a small ammo capacity, but its incredible accuracy and elevated damage mean that armor isn't much of a defense. Load it with Optimized Electron Charge Packs to generate an unstoppable stream of laser power! The Smitty Special is named in honor of a legendary Boneyard weapon builder who produced beautiful plasma weapons with a high rate of fire. This Plasma Caster features an array of dizzying modifications that produce an almost constant stream of plasma bolts. )Waaah, waaah, but it does so much less damage than a regular Plasma Caster!) Go back and read that again: it's an automatic Plasma Caster. Even with the reduced damage, it will punch through almost any armor it comes up against.