Fallout: New Vegas Gun Runners' Arsenal DLC Specifics, Part Four
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Low Yield, Big Kid, and Tiny Tots Mini-Nukes - The Fat Man. You've been carrying that huge lump of meta around for how long, and how many times have you fired it? Once? Twice? Seventeen? Whatever the frequency, it's still not enough. Trust us, we're the experts. That's why we've brought you three new Mini-Nuke variants. Low Yield is your (everyday) light payload, good for liquidating irritating raiders or the occasional horde of Nightstalkers on the horizon. Traveling through Quarry Junction? Try our Big Kid variant for extra Deathclaw-eradicating power (warning: range is reduced). Last but certainly not least, the Tiny Tots are the answer to a question no one asked, (What if I want to decorate two city blocks with a scattering of miniature mushroom clouds?) N.B.: requires GRA Fat Man or Esther. Specialized Mini-Nukes cannot be fired from a standard Fat Man.
25mm Grenade APW - We're really proud of this one. Brand new for the Mojave Wasteland, the 25mm Grenade APW gives you the death-dealing capability of Grenade Machine Gun in a more portable package. With a stock magazine capacity of six rounds, a brisk semi-auto rate of fire, and respectable accuracy, it's a great addition to any Explosives arsenal. If you want to step things up, pick up an Expanded Drum (increases capacity), Long Barrel (increases projectile speed) and Upgraded Internals (increases rate of fire).
MFC Grenades, MFC Clusters - Some people use Microfusion Cells to power lasers or generate plasma bolts. But if you're a Mad Bomber, that's not very interesting. Why not hotwire them to explode like mini-Plasma Grenades? Better yet, string a bunch of them together and turn them into an MFC Cluster (shown above). The grenades are good for raining death on random enemies, and the clusters can be quickly dispersed over a large area to (discourage) pursuers. And if no one sets off your tiny cluster mines, pick them back up: you can always use individual reclaimed mines as MFC Grenades.