BioWare: EA Doesn't Tell Us What to Do
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"One thing we commonly see is when fans don't like something we do, they put in the comments, 'Oh those EA guys, they're making BioWare do...' And I always chuckle because we are EA, we're BioWare - we're both, and we still have huge autonomy in terms of what we do," Greg Zeschuk told us.What do you think? Has EA really had no influence in anything they've done with Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age II, and Mass Effect 2?
"We're not being forced to do anything or told to do anything. We make the decisions. We take input.
"It's just funny when people say that, because it's not actually remotely true."
"At the end of the day, we're responsible for the quality of the content and games we release, and we're committed to try and always take feedback really seriously from our fans and be humble about how we take it - use it to make the next games better," Ray Muzyka added.
"Not that we're bound to it, but we think a lot more about the commercial elements than we used to," Zeschuk explained. "Way, way back, years ago, we didn't even consider those, we just made stuff. And some of the stuff we made, in retrospect, was kind of crazy, like MDK2 - that's just crazy!"
"We thought about commercial," interjected Muzyka.
"Yeah," chimed Zeschuk, "but not on a..."
"High level," finished Muzyka.