The Repopulation November Development Update
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1287
Similar to last month, our primary focus has been on polishing starting content, and polishing gameplay in preparation for testing early next year. In addition to the starting content, and the notes below, we've also been focusing on graphics upgrades in a number of areas. This includes a major revamp to the character models, as well as dozens of new building and environment models being added in the past month.
'¢ Implemented the weather system. The new system allows for more control over weather effects that can vary based on your location. Currently supported weather conditions include: Rain, Snow, Dust Storms, Sand Storms and Meteor Showers.
'¢ Added Skill Bonus modifiers. These are similar to experience bonuses in level based games, and can increase or decrease the rate at which you gain skill points.
'¢ Upon dying you will now suffer a 10% penalty to the rate that you gain new skill points. This is in addition to the previous penalties, which are a 25% reduction in stats for 1 minute and the inability to attack or be attacked by other players for 30 seconds.
'¢ Variable footstep sounds are now supported based on location.
'¢ Abilities can now require a player to be Kneeling, Sitting, Standing or any combination of those sequences. Sniper abilities have been converted to support this.
'¢ Added a new Aimed Shot ability which is given during the Rifling tutorial. This ability has a 40 second reuse time and a 1.5 second usage time, but does high damage for a starting ability. It requires players to be kneeling or lying prone to use, however.
'¢ Scattering Shot (Shotgun) has had it's skill level requirement removed and is now issued if you complete the Shotgun advanced weapon tutorial.
'¢ Hack has been renamed to Blind Hack and has been changed to a short range, inaccurate PBAoE. It is rewarded when players complete the Axe tutorial. The changes to it's capabilities and skill requirement are due to the desire for the starting ability of each skill type to reflect what that weapon does well to aid players in determining if that line is something they wish to pursue.
'¢ Added a Stun component to the Bludgeon ability, and added it as a reward for completing the Blunt Weapons tutorial. The stun component only has a 15% chance to work but it was added for similar reasons to the Blind Hack changes.
'¢ Added new particle effects to denote some status effects/openings that previously did not have an effect.