Legend of Grimrock Development Update

This week's development update to the official Legend of Grimrock website provides us with yet another list of the elements the team has been hard at work adding to and polishing in the dungeon crawler.  As the game draws closer to release, the lists continue to get smaller:
This week's update contains stuff from the last two weeks since last week's big feature here on the blog was the beta trailer and the new screenshots. It's getting increasingly difficult to compile these lists since we are not adding that many new shiny things into the game but instead we focus more and more on the small details, bugs and balancing.

Here we go:
* You can write notes on the map now. We are also redoing the map background graphics and layout to look better and show more information.
* 2 final levels have been reworked quite a bit. The flow of these levels clearly needed improvement.
* More character portraits have been added (19 total now).
* Graphics and audio options have been implemented.
* Added support for treasure maps.
* Game statistics have been implemented. For example, you can now track the number of monsters killed, items found and most importantly your progress on the secrets.
* The tutorial has been improved and extended quite a bit.
* Added compass item which should be helpful if you dare to play in old school mode (no auto-map).
* Work on adding special attacks for monsters has started.
* And of course lots and lots of bug fixes and polishing.

Next up:
* More bug fixing and polishing.
* Add a few more spells and potions for extra variety.
* Testing, testing, testing.
Hey, I like treasure maps. And maps with notes!
Related Games: Legend of Grimrock