Mass Effect 3's Insanity Mode and Companions Detailed
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Rather than simply fattening health, armour and shield bars, BioWare has come up with different, more elaborate and more testing AI models for Insanity players. The inspiration came partly from the audience, partly from Watamanuik's peers. "I had a lead designer for another game write to say 'make Insanity harder!' And I was like "OK!" This was a really well-known and respected guy, so I was like 'OK, I'll do my best.'
"We really thought about it hard. On Normal you'll be able to power your way through the game or shoot your way through the game, but when you try Hardcore or Insanity, you're not going to be able to do that any more."
BioWare hopes that when Insanity kills you - and more often than not, it will - you'll understand why. "You really will have to think about each combat, who the enemies are, what kind of resistance you're presented with, and then strategise to take them down. I'm hoping that it'll feel like you made a mistake, and the game called you on it, rather than "I thought I was playing well, and then I died".
Presence in ME3 - Confirmed
With the rest of his robotic race gradually being rewritten to follow orders from the Reapers, Legion has become something of a Lone Ranger. The Geth aren't all evil, but they might struggle to get that message with their overlords, the Reapers, gradually mulching all biological life. But if their hive intelligence can be firewalled against intrusive Reaper programming, the Geth should prove fantastic allies. Expect Legion to be at the forefront of these efforts to stand apart, with Shepard once again obliged to watch his back. Of course, the Quarian Flotilla might have something to say about that.
Mordin Solus
Presence in ME3 - Confirmed
After working directly on the Genophage virus, this turbo-talking Salarian had a change of heart - deciding to abandon the ethically iffy Special Tasks Group to become a civilian doctor. Mass Effect 3 sees him becoming a full-on activist, defending a fertile Krogan against Cerberus attacks. Uniting the galaxy to fight against the Reapers is likely going to require that the Salarians and Krogans get along, and we think Mordin might play a fairly hefty role. Unless the two races can put the Genophage to one side, extinction may be in the offing for both of them.