Dragon's Dogma Classes Revealed, Story Trailer
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And then I'll quote the profiles for the Fighter and Strider classes:
Starting Vocation: Equipped with a sword and shield, Fighters offer a good balance of offense and defense and serve on the party's front lines.
Primary Weapon: One handed Sword
Secondary Weapon: Shield
Strengths and Role
Defense: Fighters offer a variety of defensive abilities that allow them to serve as a veritable (tank) for the party, allowing ranged and offensive classes to deal damage from further away.
Offense: Fighters posses a variety of deadly sword skills ranging from dashing attacks that allow fighters to quickly close the gap on an enemy to skills that allow them to skewer enemies safely behind their shields.
Combat Utility: Fighters are able to launch characters into the air to grab flying enemies with their Shield Toss skill, making them invaluable allies when fighting winged enemies.
Shield Strike: Strikes a foe with the shield, causing little damage but forcing the target to drop their guard.
Flesh Skewer: Thrusts the blade into the target's body, pinning them in place while raining further blows upon them.
Blink Strike: Rushes to the target and visits a powerful blow on them.
Starting Vocation: Wielding dual daggers and a shortbow, Striders deal damage with quick speed and deadly accuracy. Striders also have trap abilities and trick arrows that allow them to confuse and disorient enemies.
Primary Weapon: Daggers
Secondary Weapon: Bow
Strengths and Role
Quick Damage: Striders serve as fast damage dealers, quickly moving around the battlefield with speed and agility and striking at enemies with their dual daggers.
Range: Thanks to their many bow skills, Striders are able to rain down arrows on enemies from long distances and can shoot down airborne enemies with ease.
Acrobatics: The Strider class is able to grapple and climb large enemies longer than any other class, allowing them to freely strike at an enemy's weakest areas.
Ensnare: Casts cords to snare lightweight foes, knocking them to the ground to incapacitate them .
Scarlet Kisses: Concentrates a flurry of slashes on a single point, easily shredding foes with meager endurance.
Cloudburst Volley: Sends a wall of arrows skyward to rain down on a broad area.