Legend of Grimrock Development Update

This week's update to the official Legend of Grimrock website reveals some of the tweaking the team has been doing after sifting through the results of their hardware compatibility test. Older graphic cards are now supported better, the AI is being fine tuned, and the GUI has getting more attention:
Last week's compatibility test kept us occupied couple of days, but we managed to squash some nice juicy bugs. The game now works better with older graphics cards like NVIDIA 6000 and 7000 series. Overall the test went really fine and we're happy with the results. Thanks again to everybody who participated.

As we're getting every day closer to finishing the game, major feature implementations get scarcer. We are focusing on testing, tweaking and fine tuning things here and there. Creatures have learned some nasty new moves to make the escape from the dungeons yet a bit harder. We also now have a big TO DO list on our whiteboard that we need to clear before the launch. Luckily the list gets shorter as the days pass. GUI got some tender loving as we merged the attack buttons and character portraits to the bottom right side of the screen. Now the marching order is much clearer and it is also easier to change the order by dragging the panels and everything looks a lot better and cleaner this way. The tutorial has been cleaned up and it is now easier to digest. On the business side, things nudged a bit forward, which is nice, but we can't say anything more about that in here this time.
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