Legend of Grimrock Preview

While Game Informer is billing this short piece as a full-on preview, the measly four paragraphs found within doesn't go very far in telling us much about Almost Human's Legend of Grimrock. Still, you can't go wrong with yet another source of information for the soon-to-be-released title:
This is a dungeon crawl in the oldest style, a single-dungeon, minimal-story quest that features deadly traps, devious puzzles, and ugly monsters that challenges players to beat it rather than holding their hands through a 30-hour tutorial with a pretty cutscene at the end.

Though movement is on a grid just like in the antediluvian adventures that hooked me on gaming 25 years ago, the real-time combat that pits your party of four player-created heroes against the many foes of Mount Grimrock is a distinctly modern innovation and the visuals look perfectly competent for 2012.
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