Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut DLC Editorials
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2630
First, Computer and Videogames lists four retconned/changed things in the new endings, challenging the notion that the DLC simply expands and clarifies (it goes without saying that it contains spoilers):
One of the most controversial aspects of Mass Effect 3's original endings were the scenes showing the Mass Effect relays being destroyed during the Crucible blast. Not only does series lore dictate the explosions would be so great they'd destroy all neighbouring life (this happened in the second game's final DLC release and is integral to the plot), but it also means all those alien races are effectively stranded in the Sol system to slowly starve to death.
It's a bit of a plot hole. BioWare's solution? They're only "damaged" now, and in the Control ending the Reapers even rebuild them. Quite a u-turn then, but to be fair, a necessary one.
While BitMob's Eduardo Moutinho is apparently afraid that the extended cut will take away from the original ending's "intrigue" and "implied purpose", and subscribes to the fan-made "Indoctrination theory" about it:
Many fans disagree with the indoctrination angle. These individuals think BioWare went out of its way to craft a completely nonsensical denouement to Shepard's space opera. They cite bad writing and negligence as reasons for their intense displeasure. And, unfortunately, the Extended Cut was hastily assembled for just those folks -- the ones who are not in the IT crowd.
Which is why I'm concerned.
With today's patch-it-first-ask-questions-later ecosystem, the ME3 ending never had a chance to truly click with the community. Even worse, instead of getting a playable epilogue where we could wake up and finish the fight (which BioWare should have included in the original game, I know), we're getting some added cutscenes for the last act -- not even four months removed from the release of the title.
Do I want closure? Of course. Do I want to learn the fate of my crew? Definitely. Do I want to build a house on Rannoch for Tali'Zorah where we could live happily ever after? You bet your bosh'tet I do.
But we didn't get that the first time, and I hope we don't get that with this new content.