Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption Kickstarter Campaign Updates #15-19, $279,000 and Counting
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1484
Lori and I did two Google+ hangouts today. On the second one, we found the button to record the chat to YouTube. Some of the highlights include details of the story, mysteries for the player to solve, technical details for how we can accomplish the simulated personalities of our many characters.
We talked a little about some of the issues at Sierra, for example unexpected development costs on Quest for Glory V. We also talked about issues that publishers have with stores, and how that can force them to release games before they're ready.
Lori revealed the secret of our first stretch goal, originally we were holding off until we reach $300,000. At yesterday's rate, we'll hit that today! And the secret is:
Meeps! Of course, there are already many Meeps in the game. But if we reach our first stretch goal at $500,000, we will add a Companion Meep. This one likes to follow you around, but will need constant care and attention. Like a Tamigotchi, you'll need to feed it, groom it, etc. Your pet Meep will be sometimes helpful and often annoying, but will definitely add another dimension to the game.
In addition, the funds from that stretch goal will allow us to increase the project budget for more art and other content. Our second stretch goal adds voice acting, but we'll get to that later.
Hidden here and there throughout the video are lots of tidbits about Shawn, the history of the University, the ways in which all the planned games in the series will relate to each other.
Thanks to everyone who attended the Hangout, and to all of you who are helping our dream become a reality. We will gladly repay you all next year with the best game we can possibly create!
And then I'll link you to the interview on Just Adventure mentioned in the very same update:
What classes can we play?
Lori: This is the first game of the series where we're going back to adventure game roots, so we focus on one character. He does have stats and improvable skills. But you're going to follow Sean O '˜Connor, who's a rogue. If we succeed with Hero-U, the next game will be about a wizard. We have four main characters planed : a male rogue, female wizard, female warrior, male paladin. The fifth game will be in a mystery format.
Like Quest for Glory, you will save your character from one game to the next. Sean will be in the next game, too. He will evolve as the games go forward. This way, the fans will be helping write the successive games in the series!
As usual, we're doing something completely different. We'll be employing new features that have never been used before, and we're going to pull it all together. We're always biting off as much as we can possibly chew!
The whole idea of saving a character is new in an adventure game.
Corey: Our idea is that each character has his own personality and his own agenda, but the player helped define that when he played the earlier game.
Lori: One of the definitions of an adventure game vs. an RPG is that the character is fixed. Not in our game.
Corey: So with our mixture of adventure and role-playing, we're recording every dialog you choose, and how much time you spend in the dungeon, who you make your friends and who you make your enemies. All of these choices will make a difference later in the game.