Elemental: Fallen Enchantress v1.02 Patch Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 3220
'¢ Added edge scrolling in tactical
'¢ Added code so that we can have the same floating text system we have in tactical but on the strategic map. Currently this is only used for modifiers with a display name, such as Destiny's Gift to show which of its random effects are applied.
'¢ Added xml support for city enchantments to ignore the essence requirement
'¢ Fixed an issue where animations can repeat when shrunk
'¢ Fixed the "Defeated an Army" Achievement
'¢ Fixed a bug where death ward would only work if you got killed by melee
'¢ Fixed a bug where upon loading a gamesave, total tapped shard counts were sometimes off
'¢ Fixed an issue that could cause AI Sovereigns to get duplicate strength traits
'¢ Fixed an order of operation issue where shrink/growth/giant form can have an odd effect with other attack multipliers
'¢ The Sword of Wrath now correctly gives hit points when it kills an opponent
'¢ Fixed an issue that can cause forests to look white when going from cloth map to world view
'¢ Fixed an issue where you could get floating waterfalls after casting Raise Land (fix from Parrottmath!)
'¢ Blood Curse is now castable on cities without a free essence
'¢ Fixed an issue that if you razed a city with immobilzed units in it they would be hidden under the FoW
'¢ Fixed an issue when units were killed by a backswing or counterattack
'¢ Improved end-turn performance significantly
'¢ Reduced memory consumption significantly
'¢ Crash fixes
'¢ Dragonfly Bracers have a cost now
'¢ Water temples have the correct cost now
'¢ Removed the casting time from the Dirge of Ceresa spell
'¢ Titan's Imp now correctly summons at 8th level
'¢ Removed duplicate gildar rewards from the rat in the ruins quest
'¢ Reduced Horrific Wail to 2 damage per level (instead of 3)
'¢ Immune to magic no longer protects against special abilities like crushing blow and true strike
'¢ Increased the spell resistance on dragons
'¢ Increased the casting cost of Curse, Blindness, Growth and Shrink
'¢ Destiny's Gift can now be cast on your sovereign (as well as champions)
'¢ Destiny's Insight can now be cast on your sovereign (as well as champions)
'¢ Tweaked the shop value on several weapons
'¢ Waerloga the Dragonlord is much tougher
'¢ Dragons cant injure themselves with their breath weapons anymore
'¢ Mushrooms, Bread, Salted Pork and Tilda Herbs can only be used 1/battle per unit
'¢ Apothecary only sells Growth potions (they dont sell Healing Potions and Iru Elixirs anymore)
'¢ Alchemists sell Growth and Healing Potions (but they dont sell Iru Elixirs anymore)
'¢ Alchemy Labs sell Iru Elixirs, but they cost more
'¢ AI Won't berserk units if they have less than 10 hp
'¢ Player created sovereigns get random traits based on their race when played by the AI
'¢ General AI improvements
'¢ AI interacts more often
'¢ AI smarter about its movement in tactical battles
'¢ It no longer displays the hp/mana from killing an opponent before the attack
'¢ The game no longer displays duplicate spells on the unit info screen (for spells with a tactical and strategic version)
'¢ Credits window plays music
'¢ Custom faction unit and building colors are now retained between games