The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Reviews
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Let's start with one of Rock, Paper, Shotgun's famous "Wot I Think" scoreless critiques:
For its flaws, and there are many (including some dreadful load times), playing Van Helsing single player is an absorbing time. It drip-feeds you just enough to feel that sense of continuous progress, and the combat really does become more than frantic clicking (in reality you can just hold the left mouse button down, but that never feels right).
I've not experimented with co-op, but according to much forum grumbling it's a touch more problematic, with reports of developers NeoCoreGames working frantically to get it sorted.
The £12 price tag makes it a lot more compelling. While never stunningly original, and mostly extremely familiar, if you're somehow craving another ARPG between Grim Dawn, Path Of Exile, and Torchlight 2, then this ought to tick a good few boxes.
Capsule Computers, 8/10.
Lacking in the game at the moment are a couple aspects. Currently there are a few bugs that may leave the game feeling unpolished, but future updates over Steam can help cure this issue. In addition, the story seems to simmer in the background while the action is piping hot. If the team were to balance this ratio a little bit more or add alternate story paths, a greater replay value could be accomplished.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing delivers a quality title for a fraction of the cost. The game provides a great foundation for gameplay which mimics successful competitors. During development NeocoreGames must have kept the player's needs before their own to make an understandable interface as well as providing heavily desired RPG elements. How often can you pay $15 for what seems like a retail game?
Destructoid (which references to Van Helsing as a movie character, which I have to assume is a joke rather than a sign of literary ignorance), 5.5/10.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is a little more uninteresting than the title may lead some to believe. Power-ups add a bit of activity to the otherwise boring combat, though the game prefers piling up the sheer number of enemies instead of providing interesting ones. A forgetful story, performance issues, and an unexplained tower defense element hold Van Helsing back from living up to its true potential, and what's left meanders the line between standard and boring.
Co-Optimus, 4/5 (with a 3.5/5 for co-op).
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is an awesome game. The system that Neocore has in place for an ARPG is outstanding, and they can only improve on it from here. With three games planned in the Van Helsing series, it will be interesting to see how the series develops over time. Whatever the case may be, it is refreshing to see a relatively unknown developer go head to head with some of the biggest names in the genre, adding innovations such as AI companion depth in the process. This is a game that is definitely worth your time and money.
VentureBeat, 70/100.
But that's not to say that Van Helsing isn't fun, and although certainly a clone it's well made. You'll find some great ideas here, and players who prefer Diablo 2 to its sequel will certainly love Helsing's emphasis on character customization. But the story fails to elevate the familiar action to anything special. Mechanically, this is a great action RPG, but it lacks heart.
411mania, 7.8/10.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is a competent enough action RPG, with a few neat twists contained within it. It's not the best game ever, some issues can crop up that make the game a chore, but if you've already beaten Diablo 3 and Torchlight 2 and you're looking for another challenge, then the game will serve you well.
Video Games Uncovered, 78%.
Overall the game is an amazing experience to behold as you travel the fantasy steampunk world and combat against many different creatures to get o your final goal. Challenge can spike and heavily lower at times which can be inconsistent, but overall the game does make itself more enjoyable with the addition of fully voiced characters and a series of events that will literally have you on your toes.
God is a Geek, 8/10.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is an extremely accomplished game. It doesn't quite rise to the heights of Torchlight or Diablo, but it gets pretty close. The amount of content on offer is simply staggering and the depths to which players are able to customise their character is to be applauded. A little bit more work on the voice acting as well as a little more variety in the enemy types would have gone down a treat, but they're more slight niggles than glaring omissions that don't really detract from the gameplay experience.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is a difficult game at times, but one that isn't difficult just for the sake of it. If you die as soon as you run into a group of enemies, it's because you ran into a group of enemies without assessing the situation; your fault not that game's. If you're looking for an Action-RPG with substance, one that will keep you entertained for hours on end while still giving you that (I'll just get to the next area) feeling, then The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing should be high up on your list.
Gizorama, 3.5/5.
Van Helsing is great action-RPG that is unfortunately marred by multiplayer issues. At the rate patches have been coming out, we don't see this continuing to be a lingering issue but should at least be considered before purchasing. Outside of these issues, the game itself is great. Solid gameplay and a fresh setting gives Van Helsing enough to differentiate itself from other games in the genre but the high quality of the entire package gives it that greatness. There are some games when played that you can see a developers blood, sweat, and tears in every painstaking detail and Van Helsing is one of those.
ZTGD, 8.5/10.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing surprised me. For a game I had never heard of up until a month ago, it is quite impressive. The game may only have one class to play, but the complex skill tree and deep mechanics of the modifiers will keep each character feeling fresh and unique. The co-op works even if there is a little lag here and there, and the overall presentation and story kept me entertained throughout. There is a lot in this $15 game, and fans of action RPGs should really take a look at it. I highly suggest it.
We Got This Covered, 4.5/5.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is an almost perfect action role-playing game with a great variety of detail oozing from its every facet. There's something for everyone who enjoys RPGs, with difficulty levels ranging from Casual to Heroic Hardcore, where players only get one life. The issues that do exist will likely be worked out in the future and currently only pose a minor inconvenience, making this a great title for a very fair price.