Warmachine: Tactics Surpasses $1 Million in Crowd-funding
Category: News ArchiveHits: 1878
Thanks to you, the UNSTOPPABLE WARMACHINE: Tactics community of 12,465 people (as of this writing), we have obliterated another stretch goal!
But before we get on to that, let me get the embarrassing business of this Rewards Chart out of the way.
Okay, so here's what we're good at: making minis, making pretty artwork, making cool tabletop and video games.
Here's what we're not good at: making charts.
Fortunately, the charts come free with no shipping or handling (which maybe is why we seem so fond of making them today.)
The truth is, in our excitement to get out our earlier announcements and in an effort to get this chart done before the weekend, we just botched it. Twice. So, third time's the charm, right? (I hope!!!)
Below you'll find the newly corrected reward chart! (But if you see anything screwy, you know where to reach me.) Sincerest apologies for any confusion.
The Steelheads have men for hire who are equipped to deal with any threat on any battlefield. Whether serving in the ranks of a Steelhead force, or on the payroll of a client army, the Steelhead Rifleman is an expert shot worth his coin, sure to leave a mark on the enemy.
Unlocking the most recent stretch goal will bring the Steelhead Rifleman to multiplayer and single player AI skirmishing! And the Mercenary march continues with two more mystery mercs yet to reveal. Who will be next?
Surely that's enough updates for one day, but I'm looking forward to another tomorrow!
Your support and encouragement is the fuel that motivates us as we enter this second half of the WARMACHINE: Tactics Kickstarter. Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to create this game, and with more resources than we could have ever expected.
My everlasting thanks,
Matt Wilson