Might & Magic X: Legacy Blog Updates
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2361
Currently, the MMX team is working on the following types of puzzles:
'¢ Lever puzzles: put some levers in the right position to open or close some passages. You must for example find the correct order or combination in order to progress.
'¢ Pressure plates: your party has to step on pressure plates in the right order. If you succeed, something special will happen.
'¢ Teleport puzzles: "A classic from the Wizardry/Dungeon Master days", says Creative Designer Julien. There are 'teleport' tiles in the dungeon that send you to another part of the dungeon. Your job is to find out which tiles your party has to step on and in which order.
'¢ Riddles: A question is asked. You must find clues (in the dungeon for example, or by talking to NPCs) and then type your answer into a text field.
... but other types of puzzles are also being discussed. "There will for example be optional riddles or puzzles that will reward you with a great treasure when solved, but they will be very difficult", says Level Designer Angela from the MMX dev team. Other options that come into mind are musical puzzles, puzzles that work with a timer, and missing-piece puzzles. Edit: A missing-piece puzzle is a puzzle where you have to locate some items and put them into the right place. A typical example would be a cog you need to put on a mechanism. Can be combined with level puzzles for extra fun :)
Thanks again for your great feedback that has reached us since the Early Access of Might & Magic X Legacy. As we described a few times in our recent blog postings, we have started working on it already (pls. read our news to the availability of the 1st unofficial patch) and we'll continue to do that.
However as you might imagine, each of us has only two hands, which means that unfortunately we cannot do everything at the same time. We need to prioritize the different feedback and all the features we already had on our list anyway, for the team's schedule and put them into timing perspectives.
When talking trough your guys' feedback, the features and fixes we have on our list anyway, we came to the conclusion that it is you, who gave the feedback, it is you, who is looking forward to the patch and it is you, who will be playing the game and our patches. So why don't we ask you to prioritize?