Lords of Xulima IndieGoGo Campaign Launched

You might remember the announcement of indie turn-based RPG Lords of Xulima earlier this year, and if the game sounded intriguing you'll be happy to know that the team has launched an IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign for the title, with a $10,000 funding goal (this is a fixed funding campaign and works pretty much exactly like your standard Kickstarter campaign). Check out the campaign launch trailer:

And here's a brief snip from their pitch:
Our Vision

In Lords of Xulima, we have set out to make a challenging, turn-based RPG in the vein of the old school classics. We're making a game filled with character development, puzzles and often difficult strategic combat. Our goal is to create an immersive environment and a challenging combat system; how you choose to play it will be entirely up to you.

Lords of Xulima is an isometric, turn-based, single-player, 2D role-playing game. It is set on a mythical lost continent called Xulima, where the world makers lived in ancient times. The game features a vast, challenging world where you will lead Gaulen the Explorer and five of his companions on an epic journey filled with the struggles of Gods and Men.


We draw our gameplay inspiration from the old school classics. We do enjoy some of the amenities and graphics of today's RPGs, but too often they lack the depth and challenge of the games of the past. Our goal is to capture the complexity of past RPGs and deliver them in a modern game. The elements of RPGs that we find most intriguing are the following:

* An epic story: We love stories that are original and not afraid of being fully immersed in a fantasy world. It's an element that seems to be missing from games recently with the exception of some Japanese productions. Lords of Xulima tells just one part of an expansive mythology that chronicles the world from its creation until its ultimate end. We have no intention of being limited to themes like (political conspiracies) or (faction struggles).

* A game system that rewards intelligence, imagination, and strategy: We believe a good game should depend on these skills, instead of relying on the player's reflexes, or ability to hit a complicated combinations of buttons in a few milliseconds.

* A challenging environment: Yes, we love challenges. We love feeling small and vulnerable in a vast, dangerous world. We want our (stupid) actions to have negative consequences, and we want our accomplishments to feel like our own, because we've earned them. We don't want to feel like success in a game is simply the result of a programmed script or tutorial that wants to convince us that we are heroes. When you succeed in Lords of Xulima, it will be because you have played carefully, fought hard and earned your victory.


  • More than 60 hours of true role playing experience.
  • Create your party with up to six characters, choosing between 9 classes and more than 100 unique skills.
  • Strategic turn-based combat in first person view: Battle more than 100 enemies with unique skills and powers.
  • A vast continent to explore, with different environments and climates: You are free to go anywhere you want from the beginning of the game, but take care; the lands of Xulima are extremely dangerous.
  • More than 30 dungeons: Castles, towers and temples await for you to discover their secrets.
  • The depth and challenge of old school RPG classics, but with a modern, intuitive interface.
  • Enchanting hand-drawn 2D graphics for landscapes and maps, mixed with 3D, pre-rendered models to bring smooth animations for characters and creatures.
  • Available for Windows, MAC and Linux.
  • Languages: English, Spanish.

Thanks, Kotaku.
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