Shadowrun: Dragonfall Release Date Announced, Trailer and Beta Patch v1.2 Released
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2325

We now have confirmation that Shadowrun: Dragonfall, the Berlin-set expansion to Shadowrun Returns, has slipped from its original January release window to February, more specifically February 27th. The DLC will be available for $14.99/€13,99/£11.99, and owners of the Steam version can already pre-order the DLC on Valve's service (just a reminder: backers will get it for free on release, so there's no need to pre-order). A brand new trailer has also been released, together with a smattering of screenshots.
In the words of the team, they simply needed more time:
The Dragonfall development team pushed incredibly hard to hit our original January release window and our playtests have been a lot of fun! However, a few rough edges still remain, and we've decided to extend our polish and bugfixing time to ensure that we deliver a great Shadowrun experience. We know you're excited to play the game and we're confident this will allow us to ship the best campaign we can!
In other Shadowrun: Returns news, the beta patch v1.2.0 has been released, meaning that, as long as you opt in the beta, you'll be able to try the new save-everywhere system that's been long requested by the community since release. There's more to the patch than just that though, so check the full changelog:
New Features, Improvements
[Save] Added ability to save game at any point on the player's turn! You can access this using several places in the game:
-PDA via (Save) option
-(Quick Save) feature currently bound to the '˜F5' key while in game.
-(Save and Quit) when exiting the game.
[Save] GM's can initiate an autosave via trigger in Editor. This does not create a '˜rewind' point, but will allow players to return to it in the case of death or quitting without saving.
[Save] Game over screen now allows to load from last save.
[Save] Hardcore mode added that will disable save-at-any-point functionality: autosaves will still be performed during scene transition and at GM initiated points (however, all other methods of saving will be disabled for this game slot).
[Save] '˜F9' hotkey added to quick-open load menu from PDA.
New totem selection screen.v Improvements to loading bar to more accurately display loaded content and loading tasks
Conversations show triggering actor portrait
[Triggers] Added title field to display text popup.
[Triggers] Set the body model of an actor
[Triggers] Actors can be detained for transitions within the same scene
[Triggers] Isolate a team to allow one specific team to act before it returns to normal
[Triggers] Check if door is open or closed
[Triggers] Check if player is controlled as a drone or spirit
[Triggers] Permanently add AP by trigger, or by campaign progress
[Triggers] Get all actors with exceptions
[Debug] Toggle debug mode is Alt ~ or Ctrl F1
[Debug] Better tracking of trigger history, analysis txt from a dump
[Editor] Allow teleport regions for player characters only
[Editor] Added comparison of tags to a wildcard pattern with * ?
[Editor] Added toggles for allowing prerequisites to control Hack State of Matrix Nodes
Bug Fixes
Doors and AI have smarter shoving to push them forward if it closes on them
Actors use doors more intelligently, reduced use from a sharp angle
Fixed an issue that caused the non-archetype Troll to gain massive HP boosts.
Fixed an issue that caused IC to spawn with incorrect HP values.
Fixed issues with rebelled AI spirits not attacking after their master dies
[Triggers] Fixed an issue with Any and All tags returning incorrect value.
[Triggers] Fixed an issue where wait for resumed from the wrong step in true and false branches
[Options] Fixed bug where checkboxes would check/uncheck after the screen loaded.
[Windows Touch] Fixed full screen keyboard input on windows.
[Hiring] Fixed bug with equipment being swapped between hirelings.
[Editor] Fixed issues in the hackable node tab.
[Debug] Fixed command (execute ) where x is the name of the trigger
[Debug] Disable keyboard hotkeys while typing in the command console field
Known Issues
Barrier spells last for incorrect duration
Selecting create new save will overwrite the active save
Hiring list is missing from Telestrian Office run
Environmental vfx not clearing between levels/saves