Age of Wonders III Reviews
Category: News ArchiveHits: 3564

A few reviews have been published for Triumph Studios' Age of Wonders III, and they all seem fairly positive about the titles. Early reviews tend to be more positive than late ones, but that doesn't mean it isn't an encouraging sign.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun, scoreless.
Age of Wonders III could have been constructed in the golden age of turn-based strategy. In fact, given the competition it's going to have as the year goes on, it's an additional reason to believe that we might be heading for that golden age right now.
Gizorama, 4/5.
Age of Wonders III seems to be pretty top-notch. There is no shortage of entertainment if you like tactical, strategy based RPG's. The maps are complex and engaging, and even though RPG's aren't exactly my bag of chips, I know that there are those that will gorge themselves on Age of Wonders' intricately woven campaigns. Whether you're a theocrati looking to wage a holy war on the heathen foes, a warlord taking this misty, uncharted paradise for your people by force, or a sorcerer creating a militia of magically formidable allies, this game offers an incredibly in-depth, customizable and addictive experience for fans old and new alike.
Cheat Code Central, 4.3/5.
Eleven years is far too long of a gap for a series of this caliber, though we can set those complaints aside for awhile, as Age of Wonders III has the potential to keep you hooked for a good long time. Whether playing a campaign against the computer or taking on eight other players in a random map, it bears the hallmark only a few empire building games have--the addiction to take "just one more turn". With a half-dozen classes, each with exclusive skills, spells, and units to unlock, as well as countless more denizens to discover, each playthrough is bound to reveal something new and interesting for you to enjoy.
MMOHuts, 4/5.
It has been ten years since we have seen an Age title come out. The community is strong however, and it is easy to see the hard work that Triumph Studios has put in to this title. It is more than my nostalgia talking though. It is a strong strategy title, with beautiful graphics and delightful themed music; it has lots of options and choices to make, and I can see having hundreds of hours of fun playing this with and against friends and strangers alike. It can be incredibly challenging, but honestly I think players will revel in it.
Finally, GameSpot has a review-in progress:
With its tactically rewarding battles and streamlined empire management, Age of Wonders III is a well-crafted strategy game that doesn't let itself get bogged down in needless busywork. It pushes your focus onto its strongest suit, the battlefield, while keeping everything else in the background. Some smart elements of randomness help keep you on your toes after multiple sessions, though you will find several go-to strategies still apply regardless of the sort of army you lead. Hopefully the odds will be in my favor when I take the game online.